Got the Job! Yaay!

  • I just got a call about 40 minutes ago saying that I was offered the temp job that I was working on through an agency (I had my interview this a.m.).
    All I have to do now is get past the first week-the manager that I interviewed with told me today that after week 1 of the 3 week paid training you are tested to make sure that you can do the work/have learned what is expected. If you don't make it you go no further. I am sure that I'll be ok.
    It's total 2.5 months and ends in May (I expect to watch my granddaughter for the summer) so this works out just right for me! Plus I'll be able to save some $$$.
    Making a low-calorie "chicken barbecue" dinner now!
  • Congratulations!
  • YAHOO!! Congrats. on getting the job! Knew you would.
  • Thanks!
    Thank you. I've been so down for so long. Everything that could go wrong seemed to. About a month ago I decided to "Let Go and Let God" and things are so much better now.
  • Congratulations !