Binge effects from White Flour foods?

  • i am a vegan so i don't eat meat, fish, or dairy. i also limit my bread and pasta to whole grain.... i have had some struggles though, if i am out to eat or for another reasons eat some white bread, it seems to set off a binge! Not a severe binge but, an "overeating episdoe" shall we say. i am not sure it is a binge but either way.... it often leads to my eating more than i wanted. Can this be an effect of white flour or am i just reaching? -fm
  • I do think there is a connection as I seem to have the same problem. I've read that it's the insulin spike that does it.
  • There is definitely a physiological connection between white flour (and sugar, etc.) and over-eating. Sugars cause your insulin levels to go up, then your blood sugar drops, and then your body craves more sugar to get the levels back up. It is a vicious cycle! I was just writing about low-carb on GlamourGirls post and there is truly a scientific connection between carbs/sugar and the desire to eat more.
  • It's not you. Look up glycemic index for really interesting research on this issue.

    Cutting white flour out of my diet has been the best thing for me to curb cravings. When I'm still hungry for carbs I reach for whole wheat cereal or oat flour cookies -- it's MUCH easier to stick to just one. If you eat whole foods that metabolize more slowly and have a lower glycemic index, you will definitely experience less desire to binge and overeat.
  • There is almost certainly a connection. I gave up white flour and sugar nine days ago and have not had a binge since, or even the desire to binge - this is the longest binge free run that I have ever had
  • i just wanted to thank you guys. i think i have been afraid of trying to live without (or almost without) since i already limit my diet. It made me realize that i will have to cut back further in this department.

    But it also helps to *know* that if i eat some white flour type foods, i may run into cravings & bingey feelings. It helps me prepare and i can say "it's just from the white flour, you knew this would happen". i dunno, somehow it helps! Thank you again. i am off to do the research you suggested. -fm