Hi There!

  • Hi There! I just stumbled upon this page and this thread and it looks awesome! I am a college student, and I am trying to follow weight watchers somewhat, it is such an easy to follow program, however, I definitely love to eat. I was wondering if anybody wanted to be my weight loss buddy! I hope that everybody is doing great! If anybody is interested in e-mailing back and forth I hope to hear from you!
  • Jessy,
    Hi! I would love to email back and forth. I used to come to this site, but just got hooked up to the net again recently. If you want to be weight loss buddies I would be interested- I'll tell you a little about myself and let you decide.
    I am 26...have a new baby, so I am not working right now.( I have my BEd)
    I am a Lifetime Member of WW, but am back at it again since the birth of my 1st daughter 11 wks ago.
    If you are interested you can email me at [email protected]
  • I'm in Saskatchewan too! Great to see a local face. You gals are more than welcome to come out & post in our daily thread. Its great support!
  • Hi Guys,

    I'd love to buddy up at well. !'m 28 and finishing my Masters, I also work full time and I find that lack of time (planning) and stress get me eating. I'm just starting week 4 of WW and I'd love to have buddies to inspire / be inspired by

    Talk soon!