the Good News and the Bad News!

  • The good news is that in less than a month I have shed close to 20 pounds, my first goal! by Friday I think the scale will stay at 20 LBS instead of fluctuating! I can see it in my face AND I began my "fitness routine" (walking inside with Leslie Sansone and weight training) plus I have dropped inches already!
    The Good news is: I got a call from an agency, they gave me online testing, a face-to-face meeting, and I had a battery of tests at a company yesterday, which I passed very well, according to my agency contact. I am set for the final interview with the company tomorrow and they'll either offer me work or not (it's a 3 month situation for now) but the agency boss says the agency would probably try to place me somewhere at this point.

    The bad news is that I realized that most of the jackets that I wore at my last job-I can't even PUT THEM ON! Of course I'd gained almost 40 LBS since that job ended. Of course, now I've lost half of the 40!

    The bad news is that I have about 4-5 pieces that I can hopefully mix-for now.

    The good news is that: I have those pieces and I exercised today! WOO-hoo!!!
  • Tamsin: YAHOO! GOOD ON YOU! YAY FOR YOU! etc, etc, etc, And GOOD LUCK with your interview tomorrow.........let us know, eh?
  • The good news is you have us for support!

    Here's an idea - change the look of the jackets with scarves. The difference they can make is amazing! With your enthusiasm, you'll be in the other jackets before you know it! We are pulling for you, and wish you well. Please let us know how the interview went.
  • Wishing you a great interview and the best result!! Go for it!!!

  • Hi Tamsin,

    Check online and see if there is a Dress for Success organization in your area. They provide women with work clothing.

    Good luck with all of your efforts - you are doing GREAT!
