20 Somethings Photos ~Round 5~

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  • Lookin' good ladies!!! Amazing really.

    Kriz- Its great to see you rockin' some sexy poses! Your confidence is radiating in your recent pics.
  • Eight months of maintenance on Thursday last - here's a look at how far I've come:

    This was not my heaviest, about 175 here in orange and then 135 on Thursday in black.

    Y'all were and are so important to this journey, I would not be here without you.
  • The first one was taken somewhere between 330-350 pounds. Love this. First time I was making fig newtons from scratch. Yummy =D
    Second one was about the same weight. Relaxing in my apartment =D
    Third is a current full body shot. One of the straps slipped down just as the pic was taken =D I thought it was funny
    The 4th is just a random face shot so you can see the difference from the first.
    Still got another 15 or so to lose but getting there =D

    I just spent the last hour looking through this thread...You guys have done an amazing job
  • FTB- amazing! What upper body routine are you doing? Your arms look amazing!
  • Just realized it was about a year ago that I took my first photo since starting to lose weight. I started in Nov 2010 but refused to weigh myself (only knew my weight from visiting a clinic around that time) or take pictures then, so the January photo is probably about 20-30 lbs down. A lot can change in a year!

    I still have a hard time wrapping my head around what I look like now. I often still see my old self in the mirror or expect not to be able to fit in booths, etc.

    I was out shopping yesterday (weight loss is expensive -- replacing wardrobe constantly!) and couldn't believe I could fit into size medium tops and size 10 pants. That's a big victory for me! I used to loathe shopping for clothes and didn't care much about my appearance. It's fun to be able to enjoy shopping, find clothes I actually like that fit, and feel pretty.

    I'm so happy things have changed!

    1-13-11: Size XL-2X tops, 24W pants
    3-2-11: XL tops, 20W pants
    5-23-11: XL tops, 16W pants
    9-14-11: L tops, 14 pants
    1-20-12: M-L tops, 10 pants

  • These posts are amazing. You ladies are truly an inspiration.
    I cannot wait to have my before and after photos on here as well.
  • You all are an inspiration to me!
  • LindsB - I don't really have a "routine" but what I'm doing is focused on successfully doing a pull-up. That means I'm either in the gym working everything but the pull up (barbell bicep curls, seated shoulder press, bench press, tricep dips) or I'm trying to do the pull up (at 40lbs assist now) and working my lower half or doing cardio.

    I look much stronger than I am. I have some serious imbalances in stabilizing muscles from six years of sports focused on my left arm. So while I have good biceps on both arms, my right tricep fails on big lifts if I up the weight too much. so frustrating.

    Hope that helps.
  • I feel so inspired! you go ladies

  • Me close to 220

    Me at 146 I think.
  • Wow, what a difference! And that dress looks amazing on you!
  • liliesinmycereal, that dress is amazing!!!

    Here is me at a Staff/Volunteer Appreciation party at one of my jobs in December, and one from Valentines Day (in the Pink)
    I am going to try to take a full body "before" shot at the gym tomorrow.

  • Woah! havent been around in a while! MAN YOU GUYS ALL LOOK AMAZINGGGGGG!!!

    LOVE it! Keep it up guys

  • No idea if this worked, but this is me and my boy Loki i'm about 156 here i range anywhere from 154-158 - it hasnt really changed for about a year...

    My jacket/hoodie is a MEDIUM - I've NEVER fit into a NorthFace anything in a medium! also don't mind the gross hair and my no glasses.. it was a sunday afternoon.
  • Just found a full body before photo in my best friends albums and was literally getting ready to take that dress to Goodwill because its huge now tomorrow, but now I'm thinking I'll keep it for when I get to goal to take photos in.
    This is it so far. (I'm taking another full body with my head in it in a cute outfit tomorrow, I look like **** right now.)