Half Healthy, Half Junk binges

  • Ok, this seems a bit weird to me, because I've noticed this happening only quite recently.

    I spent some time around my health concious mother and sister both over the holidays (I lost 10lbs from visiting the USA, a country with "better" food and over the holiday season as well!!!) and they came to visit me in the UK last summer. I fell in love with red pepper hummus. My mom ate it on cream crackers with a wedge of laughing cow cheese, spread over about 3-4 crackers with a light layer of hummus on top. I thought this was an excellent snack idea, so I kept up with it. I started eating veggies with red pepper hummus and everything until a few weeks ago....Thanks to the super bowl...

    I discovered red pepper hummus makes a great dip for potato chips. X____x

    A whole tub of the stuff and a "regular" (not the super sized one) sized pack of potato chips was pretty much all I had for dinner that night and I just hate to think of how much fat I consumed at my own personal super bowl party

    Crazy, I know... My head is in two minds with itself. Hummus = "yay, healthy!"...Crisps = "not so much". Argh

    I'm starting to see this bad habit filter into my dietary staples. I'll have a huge calorific lunch, but it was ok because "I had a piece of fruit with it" etc! Now I'm having moderation/portion control issues as well as a heck of a lethargy mist that's settled on my shoulders.

    Any words of encouragement to get me back on board would be greatly appreciated! I needed that vent!
  • Casandra -some people do very well with just an "eating healthy "plan -others
    (like myself) need more structure. I suggest you look into a variety of weight loss plans and choose 1 that fits your needs (low carb,weight watchers,atkins,etc.) and commit to the format. Buy the appropriate foods,prepare some meals and snacks in the right quantities and get the weight loss process started. Best of luck- L.
  • First of all don't beat yourself about it, learn from it. I have made progress with my eating by abstaining from foods that trigger me to eat more and eat them more... houmous is one of them... it has a "pull" I eat and then i still eat it. Potato chips is another food like that. By abstaining from these foods for a period of time, the "pull" eases off and i can now eat them sometimes only.

    Also i used to "cheat" meaning i will eat a salad with no dressing so i can stuff my face with chocolate... now i just eat the proper food so i have no excuse for cookies.

    I also try to eat natural foods as much as i can and i look for the trigger - a particular food, emotion or place which makes me want to eat more. When i find a kind of food that pulls me back to eating it i just stop it for some time and then i usually lose interest. That does not apply to chocolate tho... good luck! Congratulate yourself for trying to make it work and reaching out and be willing to change. Its ok.