Pot O' Gold = 10lbs lighter by St. Patty's Day

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  • Had to make another post ....

    I got my Ticker!!!! Yehhhh!!!
  • Hi all!

    I know it's been a bit -things were crazy for a while!

    I have to catch up on all the posts, but I wanted to say and wish everyone well!
  • I had an annoying and challenging week. Two days this week, I went off the rails and ate a bunch of crap. I knew I would gain a bunch of water weight back and sure enough, I did . The silver lining is that I realized I'm allergic to corn. It's no doubt, been making me sick for who knows how long and I never knew because I never could isolate like that before. The two days I ate too much were filled with popcorn and corn chips. So I can take comfort in that fact at least. I was disappointed with myself but I'm back on track and feeling really good again. I just did a Hip Hop Abs fat burning cardio, I think I can still make my goal.

    Feb 18: 204.5
    Feb 24: 199
    Mar 03: 198
    Mar 10: 200
  • Quote: Yea BAMA!! Thanks for starting this thread!

    I'm in for 6lbs! Starting today at 249
    Happy to say...

    I made goal!! 243.2 this morning (5.8, but I will take it) By the actual 17th, i should be down another .2
  • Hi all,

    Another pound down this morning, bringing my total for the challenge to 6 – 2 more than my target, so I am very pleased. Also, I feel I have finally got on top of the habit of snacking in the evenings, so that is a real step forward.

    I am sure the challenge kept me more focussed than I would have been without it – so thank you to everyone who took part. I need to work on posting more! I can never think of anything to say!

    Now I need to lose the rest of the weight – and work on the exercise!!!

    Happy St Patrick’s day (when it comes), everyone!

    2/14 - 156
    2/21 - 154
    2/28 - 152
    3/7 - 151
    3/14 - 150
  • Just Did My TF It was a tough weekend Went out to friends on Saturday and did not have the will power I normally do... and Sunday I had contractors working on the Garage and while making sure they had coffee and treats I had some too. I'm paying for it Dragging my behind today.... I'll think twice next time.

    I'm not going to weigh in today. as a high number could put me in a tail spin.

    right now I'm OK. not great, not Horrible, just OK and that is fine by me!!

    dcapulet and Clytemnestra for reaching Goal, That is Fabulous !!!
  • Izzadawn - thanks for the congratulations!

    Sorry you had a difficult few days; and well done for being OK with it. Keep on keeping on!
  • HI everybody! Have gotten so busy...new job coming up, letting go of some old jobs...was at fitness conference this past weekend, did a fundraiser...OMG my head is spinning!!

    DCAP, congrats on meeting goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woot woot!!

    I'm sorry to say that this is going to be another challenge that I fail. Not sure what happened but I know one thing is certain I am NOT eating huge portions and having the "bad stuff"..not sure what is going on but I've had a gain. I'm so so aggravated....

    Hang in there folks and looking forward to seeing how we all do on Thursday and for our next challenge because that will be the one I finally do what I set out to do..enough is enough!!
  • YAY I finally got my internet connection again. Happy St. Patty's Day to everyone.

    Congrats to those that made their goal and Cheers to those that worked hard even if they fell just a little short.

    I missed mine by 2lbs. I started at 214 and had a goal of 204 but ended at 206, but 8lbs is nothing to hang my head about so I'm happy.
  • Happy St. Patty's everyone.

    It's been a tough week. I decided not to weigh in today, but I'm sure I'm up from when I started the challenge. First my son caught a stomach bug(the day before is birthday party), then I caught it(very brief and mild), and then I caught a bad cold. Haven't been to the gym and have been eating extra salt and drinking tons to soothe my throat. So I don' even want to know what the scale says today. Cold is working its way though and I hope to be back at the gym and eating on plan in the next day or two.

    bama, 8 lbs. is AWESOME!!!!! Congrats!!!

    zumba, i'm with you sister! My 25th HS reunion is in April and I've had it with this extra weight!!!

    clyte, congrats!!!!

    dcap, fabulous!!!

    So what's the next challenge?
  • I missed it my ...That much...
    2 lbs shy,

    I'm with you Bama, I'm not ashamed of missing goal ... I'm proud I lost the 5 lbs...

    I'll do better on the next Challenge... Easter???
  • I didn't make it. I didn't exercise this last week and I'm sure that didn't help but I feel good about what I did lose and I stayed pretty much on task for the entire month. I guess, it's going to take a little more effort and time. I'm kinda bummed but I'll get over it

    Feb 18: 204.5
    Feb 24: 199
    Mar 03: 198
    Mar 10: 200
    Mar 17: 199

    total lost 5.5 lbs
  • Challeng is over and I failed once again!
    First I'd like to congratulate everyone that met goal and those that got close!! Any loss is a good loss and takes us a step closer to where we want to be.

    I didn't do very well and I can't understand why.....I haven't been eating horribly..and we all know I zumba until the cows come home. I'm thinking about seeing a nutritionist to try and get to the bottom of all this nonsense.... Also going to the doctor and making sure thyroid and hormones are up to snuff....

    Anyhow it's been so great being in another challenge...you ladies are the best!!
  • and to everyone!

    so who's starting the next challenge?
  • I did! ::::))))