Uh Oh...Scale Creep

  • Since starting maintenance I've bounced around from 138 to 140 as my low weight on Fridays. Well the last 3 Fridays I've been at 141 and today 142! It may be because I'm just getting over being sick, or because I just ovulated (a common time I retain or gain) or more likely because I've been WAY too complacent on the weekends. So I'm taking notice and will be pulling the reigns way in this weekend. I also know I've been letting Fridays slip away from me a little and being pretty off plan in the evenings. I've decided that Fridays will again be a completely on plan day from now on. I'm proud that I'm recognizing this now and happy to make the adjustments necessary so things don't get out of hand. I hope that I do this every time the scale starts to creep.
  • you are so lucky to not be afraid of the scale........
  • It's so smart to keep on top when it's just a little creeping. I have told my friends a thousand times that I wished I had taken control when I was just 10 pounds overweight, as I would never have gotten to the overwhelming 120 pounds over. I plan to maintain that kind of vigilance once I am done losing.
  • Quote:
    you are so lucky to not be afraid of the scale........
    I'm not always unafraid. But I'm getting used to what to expect so as to not let it send me into a spiraling depression. Like I KNOW that on Mondays and Tuesdays the number isn't going to be good, but as long as I stay on plan through the week it will return to where *I* want it to be. And I KNOW that around ovulation and TOM it's going to spike, but again as long as I'm on plan it's only temporary. And I KNOW that if I eat processed or restaurant food, I'm going to see a blip.

    It used to really bum me out, but as long as I keep on keeping on things will even out. In this situation though, I know that it's a cause of some over eating and that I need to take notice and adjust accordingly. I know that at this point it doesn't require a complete return to weight loss mode, but a tighten on the weekends.
  • I think one of the challenges of dieting and maintaining is developing a healthy relationship with the scale. (Yeah, I know it's an inanimate object. Bear with me.) For some people, that means ignoring it and going by how clothes fit, or simply not weighing regularly.

    For me, that means weighing regularly but accepting what the scale says in a rational way. A way that doesn't involve screaming, jumping up and down, crying, or otherwise carrying on like a 2-year old.

    To give you a sense of what I mean, I've been on a very regimented diet and training program for the last month. Briefly, the diet portion of the program is a cyclical ketogenic diet with a low-cal/low-carb phase (for fat loss) followed by a high carb/maintenance or more phase (for muscle gain). Carb-cycling in this way, when coupled with cycled workouts that are structured to either deplete glycogen or stimulate muscle growth, generates substantial swings in water weight.

    Constant tracking has allowed me to pinpoint the source of scale swings, and accept them for what they are. So, for example, I "gained" 2.8 pounds last night, day 2 of a 2-day carbup. I know that I didn't eat 9,000 calories above maintenance yesterday, and that virtually all of the 2.8 pounds is water weight: some to get back to normal hydration levels, some supercompensation. I also know that a couple of days of maintenance-level eating will yield a drop in the scale, not to the lowest pre-carbup weight (because that was taken when my muscles were unusually depleted of glycogen) but roughly half way. I can accept the 2.8 pound "gain" and move on with my day in a healthy mental state.

    I'm not suggesting that everyone run out and do a CKD, far from it. My point, though, is that once we really get to know our bodies and how they respond to different stimuli (diet or exercise), it's much easier not to be "afraid" of the scale. And that's a Good Thing.

    //b. strong,
  • ncuneo, I am in awe of what you have accomplished. Not only did you move that scale -- not once, but twice -- but you also really learned what "Living Maintenance" means. Your summary of accomplishments inspires me, and I hope to emulate your success!! Thank you.
  • Quote: In this situation though, I know that it's a cause of some over eating and that I need to take notice and adjust accordingly
    I have been spiking lately, too, and finally accepted that it's not like 'spiking' anymore, because even though last week's weigh-in was okay, I can tell from my fluctuating range that I've 'really' gained 3+ lbs. I'm dreading tomorrow morning's weigh-in.

    I am considering a return to full weigh-loss mode, though ... I had spikes of this size before, of course, and it just evened out after a few weeks of like you said, making a point to be more vigilant in general.

    But I think, ironically enough, that I was so, so good throughout the entire holiday season that it partially resulted in my relaxing and getting sloppy throughout the last few weeks. I know what did this. Extra chocolates. Playing fast and loose with the cheese. Sampling more liberally while cooking.

    I'm glad I read this thread, because your signature reminded me of what I told myself during weight loss ... it'll be there tomorrow. I can have it all; I just can't have it all today! And the poster who said it's easier to get a grip than to lose 120 lbs ... **** to the yes. That might've been the hardest thing I ever did.

    Edited to add -- it probably doesn't look like I'm gaining, but I've 'settled in' at 136 and lately I've been 138-141. And even though last week's weigh-in wasn't bad because it would've been high anyway with TOM, it made me put off warrior mode again only to see higher numbers later in the week ... Anyway! Just felt like adding that.