@-}- 20s WW February Thread -{-@

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  • It is what it is. I can't let it get me down...because then it just causes more bad eating. It's a horrendus cycle...
  • skinny- yay for puppies! did you wind up getting one?

    mmel- sorry the little ones are sick. hope WI goes better than expected, and i'm with you on the no excuses. i feel like i've been coming up with a million of them lately.

    kay- sorry about your car did you get the guy's info? if he rear-ended you, its automatically his fault, if i'm not mistaken.

    wannab- glad you had a great v-day i'm ok with the no card thing. it was kinda crappy, but i think i kinda checked out of the relationship. he's going to need to pull some sort of miracle to get me on board (which is unlikely). i'm just trying to focus on getting a job and getting healthy.

    ade? where'd you go hun?

    ms g- welcome

    so i've been doing tracy anderson's new workout series, and i really like it, but its hard for me to do the dance portion (cardio) on my carpet. i dunno. i will be moving to nyc (i think, in a couple of months), so i'm wondering if i should just pick up my old routine and do tracy when i move back home? (my parents have a hardwood floor). not being able to do the moves properly frustrates me and i've tripped and lost my footing quite a bit. i'm not trying to make excuses, its just annoying. what do you all think?

    hope you all are having a great day so far!
  • ade - Don't lose hope! I've been stalled for 3 months at 180, I feel your PAIN!! Keep it up, don't stop. Start fresh, we can do it!
  • Sky - who is Tracy Anderson?
  • misst- tracy anderson is a "celebrity" trainer. normally, i don't buy into all that "i trained so and so" stuff, but i saw her informercial, did some research on her method...i saw on facebook that a friend of mine from college was using it, so i messaged her. she had really positive things to say about her other dvds, and her method in general. my friend had been using nothing but tracy anderson workouts for over a year, and says that it got her down to high school weight (she had recently had a baby). so i ordered tracy's metamorphosis series (new). i really like it.
    it's weird at first blush, i won't lie. cardio is dancy and cheorographed. muscle "structure" is lots of little movements with arms, leg work is done at weird angles, and ab work is not your norm. she focuses on smaller muscles to tighten you up. you do 30min of cardio and 30min of muscle work 6days a week. it made me very, very sore. but i see a little difference already
    also, its a 90 day program, and the muscle workouts change up every 10 days.
    i'm just having a hard time with the cardio on my carpet, because my sneakers get caught up in it, and there are lots of little steps. it would be ideal if i had a smooth surface to dance on. and i'm also hideously clumsy
  • Fillup- I did end up getting two minature schnauzer puppies. I decided to go with two because I work a bunch, and I am hoping they can keep each other company! I am super excited! I get them on Friday. I am naming one Polly Pocket and the other Honolulu (Lulu for short).

    Mmel- Keep pushing you can do it! Even if you aren't getting the results on the scale you want, just thinking about being healthy is better than not thinking about it at all.

    Kay- So sorry about your car. I just got a new one, and I have been driving like an old lady so it doesn't get hurt.

    I hope everyone is doing well! This week has been very hard for me to stay on plan. For some reason I have just wanted to sit and eat and eat. I haven't done this, but I have overindulged some. I must get to the gym to work it all off!!
  • hi girls so i don't post very often but like to pop around and see how everyone is doing--so encouraging!! i'm still doing ww online but have started weighing in at meetings which has given me more accountability. but i'm really posting because i was so excited to some talk about tracy anderson! hooray! fill: i am a big tracy fan and had no idea that she released new dvds! how are you liking them? i have her original mat dvd and perfect design series but have found the same trouble you expressed with her cardio in a carpeted room--tricky!...plus i'm a bad dancer...but! i have gotten into doing gym cardio on my own and a mat dvd after work which seems to be a nice blend. i'm curious about her new series but need to curb my addiction to weight loss related purchases the dvds i already have aren't going to do themselves

    hope you all are having a great february!! keep up the good work
  • Went to the gym for 2 hours tonight! Yay me!!!
  • skinny- awww wow, 2 puppies!!! that's wonderful, congrats! and wtg at the gym

    wingy- yay for tracy! i happened to buy them when they were $60 rather than $90. it was the first week they came out, so i guess it was a promotion. i really like it. the "flow" of movements took me a while to get used to, as i'm not terribly coordinated, but it's pretty cool once i got the hang of it. i was super sore for the first few days, especially my legs. the new series is called metamorphosis. honestly, i think it was a good investment. i'm really enjoying it, but again, the carpet is super challenging. i was thinking of getting rubber tiles, but i don't think that would be adequate either (plus i don't have the money). i think i might go back to my old routine for the time being, as much as i hate to do so- i trip up so much, it gets discouraging
    i'm wondering what where your results like with perfect design and mat workouts?

    so i had an emotional eating episode tonight. wompwomp. i had pizza with a friend (a cute boy actually- i used to work with him, we're just friends, but he is super cute, anyway, just as a side note). after i got home from catching up with him, my and my bf had a slight argument. so i went out and got a burrito. it wasn't time for a cheat meal, nor was i even hungry. no i feel awful, guilty, and still hungry. i'm worried about getting back on the wagon tomorrow. i'm ok getting back on after my cheat meals, but this was different i guess. ok needed to vent.
  • Boys suck.

    I had a mini emotional eating episode on my way to my meeting yesterday (yeah I know) but it was with a mini bag of sugar free chocolate...so I guess it wasn't so bad. lol

    Lost 2.6 this week...TERRIFIED to go next week and see the same gain. We'll see. I'm just going to have the best week that I can.
  • Okay, so I've been lurking. It's been another bad week or so. I'm pretty fed up. And disappointed in myself. Stopped going to boot camp. So I feel like a failure. But I'm not going to go into that. Just wanted you all to know I'm still here. Alive. Just not so happy with myself.
  • HEYYYYYYYYY! Welcome back Go back to boot camp, you'll be happy you did!
  • miss - it's not gonna happen. I'm pretty sensitive about it...I actually yelled at my bf the other day when he was talking about it (oh my dad knew you wouldn't be able to do five days a week). @$$ hole.
  • Ade- Five days a week is SO MUCH. Don't be down on yourself. My very inshape, skinny sister struggles to go to boot camp twice a week. Boot camps are rough, and not for everyone (certainly not for me). Don't let your lack of loving Bootcamp allow your enthusiasm for weight loss wane! You can do it!!!
  • OMG... not cool! I'm sorry Bummer. It's probably pretty useless to say chin up at this point, it sounds like you are in a pretty bad place. Maybe a break will help? I know it's frustrating...