How do you refocus after a set back

  • Ok here is one for the group.
    When you have had a back slide or set back in your long term goal. Fell off the wagon so to speak. How do you regain focus? I know that for me so much of weight loss comes from remaining positive and seeing great results on the scale and building on that high you get from those results. When you fail and gain back some weight how do you overcome that feeling of "Aw screw it" and get back with the same intensity you had before?
  • Wow, that's a really good question. I have noticed that I tend to fluctuate between 116-119. But if I go above 119, then I analyze what I've been eating, and I cut back where necessary. It's usually picking up old habits, like having dessert, or an extra snack, so I eliminate those. I still love food! It's so good, especially bad food, but I made a promise to not let myself get back to where I was.

    When it comes to having the gumption of working out, I just start slow, and then my body "remembers" and I am able to get back on the wagon.
  • I agree with guamvixen. Usually, if something was working previously, but weight loss has stalled, all it takes is just one or two small tweaks to make sure your calorie deficit is back in effect.

    There is a really fine line between weight loss and weight gain and if you are right on the cusp, it can be easy to get frustrated when you start to "switch sides" but just remember that weight loss is a mathematical event so be confident that doing the right things and maintaining a calorie deficit will get you where you want to go. The science will take care of it.
  • I went from 250 to 236 last spring - and lost focus through the summer and autumn. Gained back to 246 (where my tracker starts) and rebooted.

    I viewed the setback as an interruption of something I was supposed to be doing, not a defeat. I knew I could do it, I knew the diet had not been as difficult as ones earlier in my life, because I was building a foundation of knowledge - not simply starving my way there.

    I was a little apprehensive approaching 236 again, though. Was I going to slack off, or get distracted? Punching through to new lows has helped keep my motivation going.