Alcohol is the root to all evil

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  • I agree with Krampus, after a night of drinking (es. pecially if I didn't get much sleep) all I want to do is eat carby, fatty comfort food. & I recently discovered my tolerance is gone. No fun, especially the puking! Plus, I swear I get a hangover from even two or three drinks. All of these things have combined to make me a much lighter drinker.
  • I don't get the hangover munchies and I haven't found my tolerance for alcohol decreasing. Honestly I wish I was a "cheap date" who could be tipsy on two drinks and stay pleasantly buzzed for a while. I have no desire to get blackout drunk but sometimes I have to drink waaaaay too many drinks (6-8) just to start feeling tipsy.

    My desire to get drunk at all is something I'm trying to evaluate carefully since alcoholism runs in my family. Best of luck to us all in trying to change a tricky habit!
  • I don't drink, because I've never really liked the taste of it.

    I always have friends that get really annoyed because I don't drink and I always tell them 'why the heck would I want to teach myself to enjoy it?'

    It has empty calories and it's darn expensive. I have enough that I have to resist already!!
  • I don't really drink all that often anymore.

    When I was younger I used to be able to pound it back, lol. But now, esp with the twins...I don't have the time, energy or the money for it.

    We go out once in a great while...I usually only have a couple of drinks, but I make sure they're something I really enjoy.

    The only night I drank A LOT was on New Years Eve...but that's about it. Special occasions.

    The next time I will be any where near alcohol is St. Patty's Day weekend...and then after that...who knows.
  • I gave myself a personal challenge to give up all alcohol for the month of January after I downed two entire bottles of champagne by myself on NYE and woke up feeling like crap. I started counting calories on January 3rd and didn't want alcohol to take up extra calories, plus alcohol hurts metabolism...and giving it up wasn't as hard as I thought it would be because I was focused on the bigger goal. I used to have a glass (or two) of wine 3-4 times a week, and I can't even imagine how many empty calories that was.
  • OMG i understand you a 100%. My husband and I like to drink fridays and saturdays.... but really!!! after one week exercising and dieting drink alcohol is so stupid, 'cause all the effort are not gonna work!!! I haven't drink for 3 weeks now and i can see i'm losing more weight than before.... My advice is talk to your husband if he doesn't drink is gonna be easier for you to not drink either.

    Good Luck!!!!
  • No way will I not have my glass of red wine after dinner! On the weekend I can have couple of glasses of red wine, some times beer for lunch.

    I actually did experiment and didn’t have a drop for a week and then next week had my wine (just add it to the daily calories), no difference for me, still lost 2 lb per week. It is hard work to count every tomato I put in salad (well for me it is mostly annoying, takes too much time to make salad now days), if on top of all the stress from work, kids with there problems, finding time to walk the dog, to go to the gym etc I will say no to my guilty pleasure and will not be ably to enjoy a delicious glass of wine at the end of day it’s just too much to handle.
  • Quote: I used to drink excessively. I drank almost every night, and I'm not talking a single glass of wine or a glass of beer. I drank a lot. I quit drinking, smoking and eating crap all within a few days of each other. Alcohol is full of empty calories, gives me a "I don't give a crap" attitude and made my anxiety 100% worse, (especially in the middle of the night and the next day). Since I have quit I don't wake up in the middle of the night with impending doom and heart palpitations, I don't feel like I'm going to die at any second and I have lost a butt load of weight. I'm happier, healthier and have lots of extra money to spend on cute clothes, shoes and jewelry. My skin is clearer and my brain is clearer. Knowing what I know now, you can bet your bottom dollar that I will never drink alcohol again. Never. It did nothing for me except make my life miserable. That's my story...

    Some people can stop at 1. Not me. I can stop at one drink like I can stop at 1 cookie.
    Dang you look good girl! Great job.
  • I soooo agree, at least for me, I can't drink alcohol because then of course I make terrible food choices!! I drank a little Saturday night and ate A LOT! It's easier to not drink for me.