Hey I just stumbled across this site

  • And im very excited to join I have been struggling with my weight since 2006 after the birth of my first child and have been gaining ever since. I just turned 26 on the 26th and had an epiphany. I feel like I am in somebody else's body and it is very uncomfortable. And it doesn't have to be this way anymore, i am done being a 212 pound mom. I'm ready to do this. And i am so happy to have found such an active and supportive community of people that are going on this weightless journey with me.
  • Welcome!
  • Glad to have you join us. My advice is to look for a Support group, Chat, or Challange to join; small groups make it easier to get connected. Most sub-forums have groups covering almost every need, find one that inspires or motivates you and just post to join.