MY treadmil doesnt count calories for being inclined

  • Am I actually burning more cals when its on incline? I put it on 10 as high as it will go and walk cause I'm not up to running yet. I was just wondering if I do burn more than I do just having it normal.
  • I find it more accurate to wear a heart rate monitor.

    But in general -- yes, treadmill on incline is more.

  • Thé incline Will bring your heart rate up so therefore more calories.
  • Ok thanks! =)
  • You do burn more calories when its inclined but you should keep in mind that exercise machines are usually very inaccurate when it comes to measuring calorie burn in the first place. A heart rate monitor is far more effective.
  • My treadmill is so off anyways (I burn WAY more than it says) I don't even really pay attention to it. I did get a heart-rate monitor and love it! I bought mine on ebay for super cheap The polar F11 heart rate monitor.
  • Ok thanx! So heart rate monitors count cals?
  • I'm sure there are some that only monitor your heart rate- you need to get one for fitness.

    Mine is awesome- it tests my fitness, it gives me an idea of how much to work, it shows me my min/max heart rate. I think I paid $70 for it on ebay but I LOVE it
  • At the same speed, you are DEFINITELY burning more calories on an incline. Compare walking on a flat road to walking up a hill!

    I DO NOT run, so to get a good workout on the treadmill I crank up the incline. I have a heart rate monitor so I don't need to rely on the handbar sensors, and I push to get it up there. I walk faster on the treadmill than in real life, haha.

    As for calories burned ALL NUMBERS YOU GET ARE ESTIMATES regardless of the source. The best estimates will be from a decent quality heart rate monitor, and I find that the few times I've compared numbers, the calculated number is fairly close to my HRM. As for the machine numbers, RECENTLY, they have been close to my HRM, but I am very close to the weights they are generally calibrated to (around 150 I believe) so if I set it for 140lbs, I'm going to get a much more accurate ESTIMATE than someone who weights 250 (like I used to).
  • Your body is counting them even if the treadmill doesn't.
  • of course you are burning more calories...

    IMPORTANT-- do NOT HOLD ON TO the handlebars when walking on the treadmill, even at incline.... completely defeats the purpose (unless checking your HR for a moment, but you know what i mean...... ) same thing applies to the stair climber and any other piece of equipment designed for you to have to support your own body weight... the exception are those machines that incoprporate hand/arm movement-- a lot of elliticals do this
  • Thanks so much for your help everyone!