Atkins and Exercise

  • Hi everyone,

    I just wanted to ask about your experiences with exercise (more specifically, running) on Atkins.

    When I was on induction, I found running so much hard work it was almost impossible. As well as having a raised heartbeat throughout the day, my heartrate was way up and I was getting really tired even though I was running way slower than usual...

    I've just been for my first run since raising my carbs above 30g, and wow what a difference. My heartrate was normal and I just ran a 5k under 30mins without having to push myself to the absolute limit (the best I did during induction was 31:40).

    I have a half marathon coming up in April and I really want to beat my PB. I'm thinking I will keep my carbs at the level they are for a few weeks and that can be my weight loss phase, then I will have to raise them to be able to train properly.

    Have you had the same problems with exercise? I know some people say that exercise in ketosis is easier for them, because they feel more energetic. I felt hyperactive, but when it came to actual exercise it was hard work.

  • Claire, I'm so glad you posted this.

    I'm in week 4 of induction, and once in a while I do experience a rapid heartbeat (when I'm not exercising.)

    I was worried because I thought this was only expected during one's transition into ketosis. I've been in ketosis for a long time now and it is still happening.

    I will try upping my carbs a bit and see if that solves the problem.

    The heartbeat thing has made me hesitant to do any strenuous exercise, so I can't say if I am affected the same way you are.