26 Days of Christmas - Come Count Down With Us!

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  • Not our usual Christmas but a good one. Dh home, son and wife came Christmas eve intending to go on to MA this morning. Big snowstorm took care of those plans so we have the pleasure of their company today as well. Brought us a little tree since we had not had the time to take care of that. Very thoughtful.

    Only one real concern today. dh has an infection in foot, is on antibiotics, foot swollen. Don't know if that's from not wearing TED hose or not. Cannot figure out where it came from. Yesterday was horribly busy with doctor and dialysis, etc. Today peaceful. Neighbor did snow, son knocked it off bushes, trees that were bending under the weight. He also did other little chores that were needed and saved me some of that. He'll be here on his way south again too.

    Talked to daughter and grandkids. I think they'll be up Sat. So we'll be "Christmasing" for a while.

    Hopefully, not in the food dept though. I gave myself full permission to eat whatever and I have. I'm starting to crave a Slimfast. Naughty, naughty but still nice!
  • Ho, ho, ho, it's time to go!!! Christmas is past for me at last!!! Woo-hoo!!!

    Ending my eating day at 2070, still too high!!! This involved a last-minute Belgian chocolate bar with caramel filling. Oh, well! The stated three 20-minute cardios done, but kind of wimpy. Water in!

    Wildfire! I'm gonna put up the New Year's Blitz in a few minutes so slosh on over when thy be ready!!! Until then, enjoy thy marshmallow wonderland (and thy turkey)!

    Kaylets: Took a nap or I'd have posted back earlier that thou be right about the fruit and vege providing water, as opposed to french fries. I can't even stand the thought of french fries anymore. Yesterday I had a full-fat TV turkey dinner as opposed to the Healthy Choice (I know these processed foods are not good, period, but better than I had been eating). Anyhow, the higher fat just made me thirsty and slightly ill. The water really helped.

    I'm gonna say sayonara on this thread for me and put up the New Year's Blitz (aka Water Winter Wonderland) for tomorrow as agreed upon by consensus and mental telepathy, but will lurk here to see the Christmas round-up ... I just stole that wonderland theme from Wildfire, BTW!!! I pledge to keep my posts on that thread fantasy free, to the point and short. Arabella will be along to keep everyone in line as she's pledge to maintain that short challenge thread next week!!!

    Thanks be to Wildfire for posting this yuletide challenge and to Ceara for maintaining the roster!!!! Wooooooooooo-hoooo, it is looking as though we did REALLY good collectively!!! And the new year isn't even here yet!
  • Anagram: Thou posted when I did! Sounds like you are in steady state and dh be doing well except for the foot. I am still petitioning on his behalf! Enjoy the rest of thy night!
  • stats
    OK guys here we go.

    Here's your extra Empress, just for being an inspiration to us all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Amarantha - start 163, goal 159, Current 161
    Anagram - start 224.2, goal 220, Current 219.4
    Arabella - start 211, goal 204
    Autumn609 - start 210, goal 200, Current 203
    Ceara - start 187, goal 178, Current 195!
    Cybele - start 173, goal 169,curent 168
  • Dollar - start 197.4, goal 190, Current 195
    Ellis - start 189, goal 186, Current 186
    Eydie - start~150, goal 145, Current 150
    Flower - waist start 41.5", goal 39.5" Current 39.5
    Frogger - start 240, goal 165 Current 233.5
    Kaylets - start 176.5, goal 170.5, Current 176
  • Punkinseed - start 242, goal 237, Current 240
    Senamay - start 248, goal 236, Current ?
    Scooby - Start 186, goal 180, Current 182
    Tipper - Start 208,
    Wildfire - start 174, goal 171, Current 172

    Now if I missed anyone, or misrepresented anything let me know...will edit.

    Kudos to all who did it! And No Guilt Cards for the rest of us....we will do it soon!!!

    The big day is over, now to try and get back into a normal routine....I'm calling the gym to see if they are there.

    Yesterday was fairly smooth...no big glitches. My organizational skills were better this year...kept items for different events separate in laundry baskets,(no laundry done for a few days), that way we just grabbed the basket and took off! Worked like a charm.

    I'm glad it is over...now I can sit with a tea, or water and gaze at the tree decorations.....no calories there, or are there?

    See you over in the H2O thread.

  • Evil Amarantha ...
    Ummm!!! Ceara, o' Scribe, thou be a wonderful person who hast done a fabulous job and Amarantha thankee thee for thy efforts and for the extra banana. It be evil, embarrasing, crass and just plain mean o' Amarantha to even point this out since there thou be sitting comfortably gazing at the tree, but Amarantha hath reached the current golden weight o' 161 on this challenge!!! Yah-hoooooo!!!! When one haveth the metabolism o' a sea cow, those point fives be vital!!! No need to edit or change, just wanted the universe to know!!!! See thee in the land o' H20!!!
