Weights before Cardio?

  • When I met with the trainer at my gym she told me do do a warm up then do weights then cardio. I like to do cardio then weights. I am wondering if it matters what I do first when trying to loose weight. I have read so many differnt things. I see that there are some personal trainers that visit this site so I was wondering if someone could tell me what they think? Thanks.
  • Whatever works best for you. The recommendation for weights before cardio is because cardio before weights will deplete your muscles of their primary fuel source which may mean you won't be able to push as much with the weights. If it works for you to do cardio then weights, then go for it.
  • A personal trainer once told me that if you do weight training immediately before a cardio workout, your cardio workout will burn more fat. I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I usually prefer to do cardio last anway.
  • generally you should lift before cardio, for the reason nelie stated above...... if youve used up your primary fuel source you wont be able to push yourself as hard lifting, which kinda defeats the purpose of lifting.. cardio is just about burning the cals (when in weight loss mode)
  • I was told the same, 5 min. warm up then the weight, then cardio.

    She explained that our body first use sugar as fuel, once it is depleted we go into our fat reserve. It makes it more effective.
  • Weights first, then cardio, as stated above. I just wanted to add that I've done it both ways. I remember running back when I wasn't used to it and then bouncing over to my personal trainer all proud of myself. I couldn't lift a thing! It was awful! I was so shaky. He made me promise not to run before seeing him again.

    Except when I kill myself, I honestly don't notice a difference though. I actually prefer to do cardio first because I like to lift with a high heart rate. It just feels good. But you can accomplish this by doing jumping jacks between sets too.