Just a short introduction from a 1st time poster

  • Morning y'all! This is my first post. Kind of confused & don't really know where to start. Been a yo-yo dieter all my life starting at the age of 10. It's been a roller coaster ride... but not much fun.

    Here I am. Turning over a new leaf, (AGAIN)... sigh... I've turned over so many new leaves in my lifetime! Too many to count! I'm really not trying to have the biggest leaf collection in this neck of the woods...

    This time I'm getting real. This time I'm getting healthy. None of the frills, bells & whistles on it. Not doing this for my kids. Not doing this for my husband. Not doing this because someone thinks it's the right thing to do. Not conducting a contest for me to attempt & fail & certainly will NEVER fit into a single diget size!

    I need to get up & be able to get dressed & go to work & not feel exhausted before I leave the house. Face it, I would be happy just to be able to lift my grocery bags & walk from my car to my house with them & not feel like I've run a marathon.

    There. I said it. I'm here & gonna try my best. Gonna take my confused self & go try to figure this thing out! Thanks for listening!
  • Hi there Fiding Joy ...yes you can do it !

    I lost all my excess weight in 2008 and I felt as light as a feather , what a great feeling it was . The energy I had made me feel as if I was 18 years old ...I just never got tired . I need to get that feeling back and if I can do it once then I can do it again and if I can, then anyone can do it ...we can succeed !!
  • Thanks Thin At Heart! We can do this together!
  • Ahh, the underside of leaves. The overside. Either side, they are leaves just the same. The toughest battle I have with myself is to find a leaf I can ride like a magic carpet for the rest of my life.
    I think your way to look at things is a great one. No frills, no bells & whistles. Just a new life for you.
    I, too, am exhausted doing minimal jobs, and have resigned myself to a life on the couch. It's going to be hard work, but we are strong women! This is something we have complete control over.
    Here's to you in your quest to be a better you!
  • Welcome and good luck!

  • welcome and good luck on your journey
  • Thanks for the welcome aasshhlleeyy & Dhani!

    FrumpGirl I love the idea of riding a leaf like a magic carpet... thanks for the suggestion! We ARE strong women... We CAN do anything we set our minds to do. Thanks also for the support... & here's to all of us... Let the Journey Begin!
  • Welcome!

    How are you making out finding some threads where you feel comfortable? Please remember that if there is anything we can help you find, all you have to do is ask.