Anyone that works out first thing in the morning ~ Please share~

  • I want to hear from all you who workout first thing in the morning.

    I'm talking straight from your bed to your workout. Do not stop for coffee, , do not eat breakfast first, do not "wake up" for a bit, do not pass go, lol...just directly to working out.

    I have found, that truth be told, I do not fit in my workout unless I set my alarm for like 5 am (weekdays) and get it done. If I even wait until 6am, its too late, since I have to get myself showered and dressed, my 3 years old ready for preschool, and the baby gets up and starts crying, everyone needs breakfast, and the day just starts and demands my time, and my to do list is waiting...

    But 5am....ugh!! I'm tired and sluggish. And I can not go to bed any earlier! All I want to do is go back to sleep. If I don't do a proper warm up I actually get dizzy, and I can't seem to get the same intense or really good work out I get if I've been up for a few hours first. It feels like my workout is dragging. And I go to bed between 8 - 8:30pm so I make sure to get enough sleep. But I have NO time at night after the kids go to bed. I want to stay up for a few hours after the kids go to sleep just to have some down time. But then I over sleep for my workout in the morning, and miss it.

    Even on weekend mornings that I'm not rushing out (like today, Saturday) I didn't get up early enough, and I only got in a 19 minute workout, because the baby will only sit so long in his crib and play with toys in the morning before he starts crying to get out, my 3 year old wants breakfast and I had to take him to karate.

    Also, I'm one of those people, if I put off my workout for later in the day, it never happens. Is anyone else like that?

    Who else has to workout first thing in the morning? How do you do it? How long to you warm up and what kind of exercise do you do? Do you have to set your alarm and get up even earlier to workout, than you would have to if you didn't exercise? What time do you get up? What time do you go to sleep? What if you stay up late? Do you give yourself a break the next day or just get up and work out without enough sleep?

    Please share your routine, advice, suggestions, anything that might help me!! Thank you!!
  • LOL! I am a 5:00 AMer, but I am also a ridiculous morning person. 5:00 AM is a bit early even for me, but I do it. I can tell you I've been doing it for a year now and did not take a break over the summer, even though of I could have due to my schedule. That was one of the wisest decision I ever made. 5:00 just plain feels natural now. I tried to take a break over Christmas but my body still wanted to wake up around 5:30. I figure I might as well get up a half hour earlier and just get it done.

    I have no problem with energy. I am most energetic first thing in the morning no matter what time I get up.

    My best tip is to put your alarm clock across the room and make it a little too loud. This jolts me out of bed onto my feet, and my once my feet are on the floor I'm good to go.

    Drink some water before working out. This helps with energy. Also, a banana is quick and easy to grab and will give you energy if that's what you need. Sometimes I work out on empty, sometimes full.

    I go to the gym, so my routine wouldn't cut it for you. I lay out everything I will need down to my underwear the night before so when I wake up I weigh myself, brush my teeth, dress and head out the door. I spin M/W/F and lift T/TH, more or less.

    I don't know how much that helped! It's pretty natural for me. And yes, I'm like you in that if I put my workout off to the afternoon, I wouldn't be nearly as good and likely it wouldn't get done at all!
  • Thank you Eliana! I really need to hear other people say that do it too! I'm generally a morning person, but not that early!! I can't do that with the alarm. My 3 year old son's bed is in our room and I dont want to wke him, and my husband is there too, and I guess I dont want to wake him either! Actually, I set my Ipod alarm, plug in the ear buds, and leave them on my side table. Then one of the times I kind of "come to" during the night, preferably closer to the morning, I put the ear buds in. (like after 3am).

    I used to wake up with a LOT of energy, before I had kids. Now I am always drained. Maybe its just me? In my early 20s, I would get up at 4am to workout at the gym before work, and had no problem. I think that would kill me now!

    However setting things out IS a good idea. I dont do that, then I spend (waste) 10 minutes in the morning looking for my workout clothes, my Ipod, my sneakers (I own a treadmill) and I'm like night of the living dead while doing so... So I could try getting everything ready to go. But I think I like the procrastination involved when stumbling around in the morning trying to get these things together in the dark. Because I am not thrilled to jump on teh treadmill when I was just sleeping like 3 minutes ago.
  • My alarm goes off between 4:30 and 5:00 and I get up, grab a GU if I'm really slacking walk out the door and walk about a 1/4 mile the run 3-5 miles on the weekdays. On the weekends it's pushed back by about an hour. Does it suck, sometimes, easpecially in the beginning, but for the most part it's just something I do. I know I'll feel better if I do and then it's done. I also hit the gym in after work 2xs a week. I have a 2 year old and I know if I don't get it done in the am it's not getting done. And I know things will only get busier, so might as well get used to it now.
  • I do have to workout first thing in the morning, otherwise I will not do it later. I am lucky that I work from home, but I have to get up at 7am to do my work out. Anything later than that and I won't do it.

    I am proud of you for getting up at 5am, I am not a early morning person. I have to set my alarm and then stick to it, I have had times where I hit the snooze to often and then I feel guilty later because I don't have time to workout.

    I work out with DVD's because I live to far from a gym. I do drink a glass of water with Emergen-C in it. It helps to wake me up and keeps me from getting dizzy, or a banana if I have any on hand.
  • Quote: My alarm goes off between 4:30 and 5:00 and I get up, grab a GU if I'm really slacking walk out the door and walk about a 1/4 mile the run 3-5 miles on the weekdays. On the weekends it's pushed back by about an hour. Does it suck, sometimes, easpecially in the beginning, but for the most part it's just something I do. I know I'll feel better if I do and then it's done. I also hit the gym in after work 2xs a week. I have a 2 year old and I know if I don't get it done in the am it's not getting done. And I know things will only get busier, so might as well get used to it now.
    To hear another mom tell me this really helps. Someone who has kids, but still makes time for herself. Something all moms need to do to be better moms. I'm at a point where I know if it is important enough for me, I will get up early to do it. Its a matter of how bad I want it. You're right about just getting used to it. I really need to decide if I really want a healthier lifestyle, and if its worth making an effort to do so. Or if I "want it", but only if it doesn't require any effort or change to my life, because then I guess I don't really want it.

    Can I ask you, what time you typically go to bed, and how late at night would be too late to be up the next day?

    You know, at the times in my life when I worked out first thing in the morning, then started my day (shower, dressed, work, or whatever the day brought) I was a happier person the whole day and made better food choices.