Age 50+ Counters Club

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  • Hello to All,

    Michou - Wow! That's a lot of lemons to go thru in a week. I think I'll have to increase my lemon consumption. Thanks for the ideas.

    kitty - Welcome! I haven't read that book, but, it sounds similar to what many of us are doing.

    Bunti - Why people behave like your boss did is puzzling. Sometimes people just don't think. As you know, the carb cravings from that little piece of choclate will pass, so hang in there. I agree with you. Just be grateful for 'the thought' & for a husband who's willing to hide the loot from you til he eats it up. If he likes chocolate as much as most of us, it probably won't last long.

    Has anyone heard from Jane? Hope everything is going well with her husband.

    Have a great day!
  • Here I am! Thank you for all the kind words! Neal's surgery went fine, but then he had a complication, so wasn't released from the hospital until suppertime last night. What a relief it is that he is better, and to be home!

    A big HELLO to the new ones here! I'm so glad you joined us!

    Anyone is welcome to join this thread, even if they are not 50, and even if they aren't exactly counting carbs. I'll go amend the 1st post to include that.

    There are too many posts for me to try and catch up, so I'll just jump in. I haven't done too bad with the calories while in the hospital, (I stayed with him the whole time) but didn't count my carbs, and didn't get enough water. The scales is up today, but I hope that's a temporary thing.

    Have a good day, ladies! Now that I'm home, I'll check in again soon.

  • Welcome back Jane, glad hubby is okay.

    In a hurry this morning, so just a quick post on the fly. Stayed on program yesterday, even thru the craving. This too will pass. Weigh in is tomorrow. Hope there is a loss. Except for the carb craving set off by the chocolate, I have felt satisfied by my food intake-- hope that doesn't mean I am eating too much.
  • Hello Kids!

    I'm on my way out the door for a long weekend out of state--to warmer weather!!!

    A quick shout out to all the newbies since I last posted! I am thrilled to see this thread take off

    joyfull retiree--I enjoy your posts too

    Miss Prissy--I hope you're over the flu soon

    Tea Granny--I have played the doctor card more times than any waitress, family member or friend would care to think about--I am shameless The sad fact is that most of the people we encounter won't listen to us as well as they will listen to our doctor. I say, do whatever works and don't give it another thought!

    Jane, I'm glad you're back home with your hubby. I hope his recovery is quick!

    I would love to respond to every post but I need to run. I probably won't have computer access while I'm gone but wish me well on eating the right stuff.

    See you all next week. I hope you have a lovely weekend completely on plan, my friends I will miss all of you.
  • Hi everyone! I recognize many of you from the GG thread, so you know me too. And to you others I am happy to get to know you!

    I count carbs due to being diabetic type2, but also for weight loss. Yesterday I did very well, but not so good today. Was doing fine until this afternoon when I suddenly got hungry and ate TWO bowls of cheerios with banana!! Both of course measured out (1 cup cereal, 1/2 c skim milk and 1/2 banana) each time! So now I'm very limited for the rest of the day. I cannot give in to that hungry feeling...I think it is mostly mental anyway. Usually I have more trouble in the evenings so not sure exactly why I gave into it this afternoon.

    On the good side, I walked 30 min. this morning and shared lunch with my dh. THat lunch may have been the that I think of it I think maybe I felt a little deprived and made it up by eating way too much later on.

    Bunti - I like what you said about the craving...this too shall pass...I must remember that! That is a wierd gift you received considering the givers circumstance. Not sure I'd be able to resist tthe candy. I am getting a little better but have to admit my old way of handling these type temptations is to eat them all so they aren't around to tempt me anymore!! Of course I know that's not very smart and I am way overdue for growing up in regard to my eating!

    Michou I think your diet sounds great! And is very much what I try to do although I am not very successful. I am traveling right now in an RV and finding it harder to stick to my eating plan than at home. Not sure why exactly as I mostly still cook. We eat out a little bit more than we do at home but still not a lot. Anyway...I'm glad you are here as your posts should help me keep my plan in mind.
  • Hi!

    I'm 54 and watching carbs (don't really count.) I've been doing much better with cravings since I've cut way back on starchy foods. Bread has always been a big trigger for me - and ice cream. So I try to stay away from both. The less I eat of these, the less cravings I have. I've also found a carb inhibitor that I only use if I just HAVE to eat starchy carbs. Seems to keep the cravings from happening.

    TeaGranny - I think I'll use that one! I'm diabetic!!!! Think my husband will believe it? (He's my worst diet enemy - he loves "big" girls and he loves snacking.)
  • Hello All,

    Jane - I am so glad that you & your husband are back home. My best wishes for a swift recovery for both of you. Being the caregiver & dealing with the stress of worrying over a loved one can be exhausting, so rest up both of you. As far as dieting goes, it sounds to me like you handled things very well under trying circumstances.

    Bunti - Glad to hear you stayed on program, despite the carb cravings.

    ANewCreation - I too am thrilled at the way this thread has taken off. I'll be sending good thoughts your way for an enjoyable trip. Fill us in on how it went when you get back.

    Maryea - I am so glad you posted on this thread. I agree that feeling deprived can make a person eat more later. Not only that, but sometimes I feel deprived even when I am enjoying my food & not being hungry. It's sort of like cabin fever, so I'll call it food fever. I just get tired of knowing I can't get out of the fix I'm in. My body will never process carbs normally. I may have gotten better with the weight loss, but I cannot go back to eating the way I use to without serious consequences. I just want to throw caution to the winds. Thankfully, when that has happened I have been able to get back on the horse & it sounds like you did too. Boy, it is never a straight line to where you want to go, is it? My one suggestion would be that when you start feeling like you can't give in to the hunger, eat some protein. If you end up overeating on protein, that should at least have a less detrimental effect on your blood sugar. Now, I just need to take my own advice. LOL!

    Gwen - Welcome. Glad to know your cravings are going away. It makes such a difference, doesn't it. As for your hubby, just give him time. From posts I've seen on this & other boards, it isn't unusual for friends & family to have a difficult time adjusting to the changes 'dieters' are making in their lives. When he starts to understand that you are serious & that it's about you being healthier, he will hopefully be supportive.

    Everyone have a great day!
  • Good Morning! Here's to a better week this week.
    Joyfull retiree - I do have IR, but no one "normal" has ever heard of it so they don't understand - becoming a diabetic is something everyone understands - so I sorta fibbed - but whatever helps
    I want to thank everyone for all of the great ideas - have a good day all!
  • Morning everyone!! Weigh in today... down 2 more pounds. I am so excited that it is working!!
  • Started out day with a good breakfast but then ate out for lunch (fast food), so once again I"m short on carbs and calories tonight. I hope I do better than I did last night. I looked in the mirror before going to bed and was so disgusted with my big belly! I swore I'd do better today. And sure enough my weight was up this morning. Well all I can do is eat as light as I can tonight and hope to do better tomorrow.
  • Just a fly by. I hosted a double birthday party today, and that along with trying to catch up on things, and with the stressful week I've had, I am simply exhausted.

    I hope to be rested and back to my old self next week.

    Hugs to you all.
  • Good Morning All,

    Tea Granny - Let's pray this week is good for all of us, whatever we have going on in our lives. I am glad your friends are so supportive. It does sound like they just needed to hear something they could understand.

    Bunti - Congrats on the 2 lbs lost

    Mary - Please don't be disgusted with yourself. I don't like to look in the mirror all that much myself. My belly isn't as big as it use to be, but there is still the loose skin I try to ignore. I don't think any of us can get thru without breaking promises we make to ourselves over & over again. Don't be so hard on yourself (I know, easier said than done) & just do the best you can next meal, one meal at a time. Perserverance does pay off.

    Jane - Hope you are getting the rest you need.

    Everyone have a great day!
  • Hi all,

    Joyful retiree - you hit the nail right on the head - I have been very stressed about the whole process of Neal's surgery. Now that he is back home and doing well, I feel so much better. "Food Fever" .. I like that expression and understand it well!

    Mary - Joyful Retiree said it best, "perseverance does pay off". It may be a slow process, though. Do you log your food before eating it? That is probably the best tool I have for myself, personally, to help stay OP.

    Bunti - YAY for the 2 pounds down!

    Tea G - when I know I'm going out to eat, I use my resources and plan ahead, but when I'm offered food that I didn't know was coming, I often say "Thank you, but my tummy is a bit upset, so I'll have to pass." That's a little fib, too, but it keeps people from saying that a little bit won't hurt!

    Gwen - Welcome! It's amazing how our tastes change once we get used to healthier foods. My hubby likes to snack at night, too, so I make sure to save some calories and carbs to join him. Right now my fave is whipped cream cheese on celery, and sf bread and butter pickles.

    ANewCreation - hope you had/are having a nice long weekend in the warmth. Were you visiting family, or just getting away?

    Kitty Carlson, Michou, IWillBe, Missy Prissy, Had Enough, WebWoman - a big hello to you! How are you doing?

    I feel so much better today after a good night's sleep. We have another inch of snow, but the temp right now is 33 degree and rising, so, with some sunshine, it should be gone soon. I shoveled our walks and path to the shed.

    I will be working on my unborn grandson's (Holden) comforter today. I've appliqued some balloons on the cutest "boy" fabric, and now I need to add quilt blocks to the top and bottom edges. This will keep my hands busy and away from food, lol.

    Dinner will include chicken breasts in the crock pot, drizzled with Italian dressing for flavor. Yum yum!

    Have a good day!
  • Morning Everyone!! Jane, glad to hear you're feeling better.

    Yesterday was a little high carb for me, and I started to feel "hungry". I know it isn't really hunger, but that ol' craving raring its ugly head. I didn't give in, stayed under points for the day, but went over 130g carbs--about 160. Looks like I will still need to stay fairly low to keep hunger at bay. I made a terrific 3 point soup, but I think the carb/protein ratio was off or something.

    It is funny to be so aware of the little things where my body and diet is. I posted an NSV on the 100 pound board. For the first time I am starting to recognize a normal portion. I have always KNOWN, the right amount of food, it just never looked right when I was preparing for me. Sounds silly I know, especially with my background, but there it is. (Hubby says its from living with him and 4 sons, who eat alot and are very active.) I don't know how I got there, but glad to start "normalizing".

    We had a guest speaker at last weeks potluck at work, a neurologist with an avid interest in nutrition. She said that carb addiction LOOKS like other addiction as far as some of the brain responses. Makes sense to me. I want to learn more.
  • Disapointed this week. I ate low carb all week. Maybe a little to low carb. I also ate lots of cheese and processed meats.

    I broke myself of my diet soda addiction a couple of months ago and was only drinking a couple of cups of green tea in the morning and then lots of water. Well somehow or other I ended up having a soda or two until in a few days I was only drinking diet gingerale from the time I got up until I went to bed.

    After an initial loss last week and a low carb week I was surprised by a jump on the scale. What a bummer. I was tempted to make pancakes with lots of butter and syrup yesterday. I managed to talk myself out of it.

    I need to drill it through my head that I can't let the scale bother me so much. I know that intellectually yet emotionally I don't buy it. Somehow or other the emotional part of me is stronger than the intellectual side of me.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Let me know if you have any wisdom that I can help me.