Crystal Light

  • What are your thoughts on Crystal Light? I would like to make sure I am getting in my water intake but would like to spice it up alittle.

    Good or Bad Idea?
  • Personally I'm really uncomfortable with artificial sweeteners, so I try to avoid them wherever I can. So if I'm getting sick of water (which does happen once in a while) I brew a pot of herbal tea and chill it overnight, and drink that the next day either unsweetened or with a big of honey in it. That being said, if you think it's a tool that will help you be better hydrated, or will keep you from drinking high calorie sugary drinks, do what works for you!
  • Tea that is a good idea! Thank you
  • Mint tea is especially delicious, and so is Tazo brand passion tea... very fruity!
  • I love Crystal Light. I personally do not have a problem with artificial sweeteners, so I drink it all the time. There is a variety of Crystal Light called Pure Fitness that has Truvia in it, so it doesnt have artificial sweeteners. Its pretty good as well.
  • I don't have a problem with artificial sweeteners, though I have been cutting back to save money and to retrain/tame my sweet tooth. Just as with salt, I find the less I use, the more sensitive I am to it (the less it takes to acheive the same level of perceived saltiness/sweetness).

    I like to make Crystal Light half strength at most, usually 1/4 (in a gallon pitcher I'll put in a couple individual packets. or half a tub, a few tea bags and put it in the fridge. The next morning I fish out the tea bags).

    I started at 1/2 strenght, and just kept adding less and less Crystal Light mix.
  • I try to use it as a craving curb lately. I started using it to drink ALL my water but as the months go by drinking just plain old water is kinda great. You really judt get used to it.
  • I don't drink diet soda anymore (18 months soda free!), and I use Crystal Light & Propel packets for my water. Usually the Propel is when I need a little electrolyte boost after a really tough workout, and I have maybe 1 packet of Crystal Light a day. I think it's a good substitute for soda/sugary drinks, especially if you're not used to drinking plain water. I tend to drink about a gallon of water a day, so I gotta have a little something every once in a while, to end the monotony. lol
  • I personally love Crystal Light. I also make lemonade sweetened with Splenda and lots of ice cubes, it's very refreshing!
  • I don't like artificial sweeteners I am pretty into fasting and detoxing and I read that Sobe Life Water is okay because it doesn't use any artificial sweeteners so I get that instead now and it has some vitamins and no calories and tastes good so I would go for that instead.

    oh yeah i like tea also and sometimes sparkling spring water just for some fizz
  • Regular sobe water has 90 calories each. The diet has artificial sweeteners, one that I'm allergic to:

    "Erythritol is found in all of the Sobe Lean beverages except for the Cranberry Grapefruit flavor, which uses sucralose. Reb A, another sugar substitute, is also found in all flavors except for Cranberry Grapefruit.

    Read more:"

  • Quote: Regular sobe water has 90 calories each. The diet has artificial sweeteners, one that I'm allergic to:

    "Erythritol is found in all of the Sobe Lean beverages except for the Cranberry Grapefruit flavor, which uses sucralose. Reb A, another sugar substitute, is also found in all flavors except for Cranberry Grapefruit.

    Read more:"

    oh wow man that sucks guess it was too good to be true lol thanks for letting me know I won't be drinking that no more then
  • Celestial Seasonings has cool brew iced teas in raspberry, peach, blueberry, and tropical fruit flavors with no sweeteners added. I prefer the tropical fruit and keep a box at work as well as at home. It's a nice pick-me-up for when I don't want plain water. A glass of water, one teabag, and a few minutes for it to brew - it couldn't be easier.
  • I used to drink a lot of diet soda and crystal light and had a lot of... bathroom issues. I stopped drinking and eating anything with aspartame and such in it and the issues all went away so I think it all depends on how your body reacts to it. My opinion anyways...