My plan for today: No Crazy Binging!

  • This is my first day that I have considered going off plan for a special occaision. I did not do it for Xmas. I did not do it for New Years. But today is my daughters birthday and I would like to focus on her and eat cake with her and not think about me today. This is my favorite day of the year celebrating my favorite person and I feel like I can trust myself to let go a little. I have lost approximately 9 pounds since the 23rd of December.

    My plan is to keep it under 1900 calories today. I wont have seconds. Maybe just a small peice of cake and some little snack things. Cross your fingers for me please.
  • I envy you being able to just have a small piece of cake! One bite, and I'd be off and running! Cheesh! I am celebrating today, however, because I fought with, and won, the impulse to drive either through MacDonald's and have some french fries, or stop at the super market to buy icecream! I decided, instead, to head home and have a cup of hot chocolate (sweetened with stevia) - though I've yet to make it, I was so jazzed to record my small success. Am making chicken and kale soup tonight, with loads of sweet onions and garlic! I might even chop up a potato to thicken in slightly. A potato is not so bad as long as it's not loaded with butter and sour cream, right? Good luck to you!
  • Lola that soup sounds delicious. And good job on the small victory at going hom to your healthy comfort food. That is a special moment and you did something really awesome!

    So I ate a little cupcake, a grilled burger with fixings and not much else. I didnt go overboard but I was in a food coma for at least an hour afterwords and I felt terrible! Not guilty just sick sick sick to my stomach.

    Learned my lesson I guess, my body is trying to tell me something I should probably listen, lol. Yuck. I'm actually excited to be eating my own healthy food again tomorrow. ...