I'll say "NO" to vino and dessert, just for tonight...

  • I'm invited to a friends house tonight for dinner...

    On the menu is spagetti. I'm bringing the salad and bread.

    I'm so easy to have hearthburn and indigestion, and lately especially after the holidays...my liver is saying to me "please be gentle on me".

    So I'm planning to have a good time with my friends, not over eat, and say no to wine and desserts...It will be though, but I'm gonna try my best.
    That is my mini goal, I'll let you know tomorrow how I did!
  • I'm late to post, but happy to say I did it!!!It was hard, but I really did it and it felt good to stay on water and no dessert... I'm proud of myself!!
  • Hooray! Good job for making a plan and sticking with it.
  • Thanks
  • Way to go. I know it can be hard to deal with temptations. I could totally resist the desserts, but the wine might have been hard.
  • Great job! You will be successful with weight loss because you have good self control!
  • Woohoo! Great job - I know how hard that was!