Treating ourselves royally, behaving like royalty in 2011

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  • Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it on this day and to all fellow queens for whom the holiday is not today, happy Thursday!

  • Huzzah, hope all are well in the palace and whither they wander in the world!

    I am on my day 121, countin' backwards to my goal of March 25!

    Looking forward to the Winter Solstice/Christmas season! Hopin' to lose four pound, but either way t'will be so nice this year. I am so at peace.
  • hi amarantha! kudos on day 121 towards your march goal. glad you are at peace. it made me smile just hearing that.

    hope all who celebrated thanksgiving this past week had pleasant times. i went over to friends' house, and it was very nice. i also ate moderately, which i was pleased about.

    i'm inching my way back to dainty meals. definitely starting back in the right direction, anyway. have been keeping up with exercise pretty well. (i fell a couple of weeks ago-didn't really get hurt, but still sore, so having to ease back in to my regular exercise routine.)

    thinking of you kaylets, anagram, arabella, and all our marvelous royals. hope everyone is having a good weekend. take care, one and all.

  • So nice to see ye, wsw! Sorry that you took a fall, hope the soreness goes away soon but glad ye did not get injured. Be well and do take it easy on the exercise.

    Glad ye are workin' towards dainty meals. I am also but today ate a lot, actually all good food, no donuts or anything, just felt like having an extra dinner (an omelet and a protein shake) so I did.

    Weigh-in is Wednesday, we'll see! Woot!

    Also sending good thoughts to kaylets, anagram, arabella and all royals.

    Lighting a candle in the window for all that ye may find your way here soon, woot, t'is almost year's end, does anyone have any resolutions made yet?

    Beyond my March 25 goal date, I don't have a comprehensive one, but I am going to ponder it!

  • Fresh Start Monday!
    Hello, hello!

    My apologies for being AWOL -- was slightly under the weather and busy. Now, here we are edging into the festive season. Next Sunday is our performance of Handel's Messiah and my mama's birthday. DH's staff party is the Friday following, then his birthday the next, then our fam Christmas party a couple of days after, then we're into Christmas eve and Christmas day...

    'Tis also end-o-month with all that involves... and yet, I find myself quite cheerful.

    I've been getting my steps in, and have started back to hot yoga after being mostly gone for about a month, between travelling and feeling crappy. I just have to be careful not to do too much -- aiming for every second day, just for now.

    Amarantha, I be infused with the spirit as well -- it's lovely! My resolution: to release all the mental patterns that do not serve me well. Taking a little time with that thought each day. Re: donuts -- they're one of my exes, as well. Somehow, despite other sweets making the occasional reappearance, I seem to always stay away from them. Was once wed to the double-chocolate guy...

    WSW, so nice to see you in the palace! I was thinking about you a lot recently, re: dainty(er) meals. I'm aiming to make dinners in particular smaller because it's not good to have a full tummy within a couple of hours of bed.

    Kaylets, what a powerful day that was for you! I'm often struck by the way our connection to the natural world seems to be a component of our grieving and healing. Almost a year for you in this new world.

    I'm so glad you've got your dogs! They are strong beasts, though, aren't they. And one really does need to be able to steer them away from those alluring striped creatures.

    Anagram, beith thou in the palace environs?

    Must practice, practice, practice... Hallelujah!

    May all lies have a blessed day!
  • Greetings, Royal Ones - I was absent mostly not of my choice but because my server had me in cyberhell most of the month. After a couple of weeks of nonsense, I had lost electronic interest and then it was up to Thanksgiving (busy) week.

    So good to see so many in the "house" and loving Empress challenges, etc. Sorry about the fall, wsw. Took one last week (in tai chi class, of all places). Lots of balance problems lately - mostly seem to be related to one leg suddenly being shorter than the other. Appt next week for lifts should help.

    Yes, Kaylets, please take care of self FIRST , esp during vulnerable times. How neat you chose to take care of the memorable event on a memorable date. I do remember your next month date as it is DDs birthday as well (and that of Arabella's DH). I know what you mean about the torn thoughts about changing things. I found it hard at first and now (only recently) I'm looking at some things and am finding it much easier. Everything has a memory, it seems.

    Crew was here over Thanksgiving. Mostly pleasant but DD is having many problems. Most are longstanding and she has worked and worked at one in particular and it has changed little. She seems over the last few years to be sinking into more and more anxiety and I also think it's all affecting my Princesses as well. She seems to need my help and wants my support but nothing I do seems to make a difference. She's angry, I think depressed and Mom is always a safe target. I've been on a binge since she left but I'm recognizing that won't help either.

    I had just received excellent blood work results that show my healthier eating, etc were paying off in that direction (if not on scale). Glad I don't have to have it done today

    Anyway, I do think DD is (partly at least) menopausal as well but when I mentioned that she rejected the idea (as happens with most things I mention). I'm finding it hard to fight my own funks with her situation. Root cause, of course, is her DH (surprise) and health problems he has. I credit her with all sorts of courage and gumption in all she's done to try to help (more than he does to help himself) but it's been a long struggle and with the peanut allergy princess and now the very though she won't say so, I think she misses her father more than she expected. they were often at odds but he was a strong guy who always had her back (and mine) and unfortunately, I don't think she married the same kind of fellow. Don't get me wrong - I like him and he has many good qualities. But there's always been something "off" that only those close to him can really tell. I think he suffers greatly from it but acknowledges it only occasionally. He's on medicines for some things and treatments for others but nothing has totally clicked yet. She has dragged him to doctor after doctor, etc., etc. And usually I do mean dragged as he's only sometimes cooperative - and (another surprise) guess who gets blamed for everything. No not me We get along fine. But I'm getting fed up with it all, as well, esp. as it affects my girls.

    So that's my tale of woe. And I'm making a very strong connection to that and my binging. Probably always been true but it's hitting my head with a bang this time.

    I'm feeling Christmasy as well and will turn on the holiday music day after tomorrow. Tomorrow is DHs birthday and I have set that day aside - as I always do - for whatever I'm in the mood for or however I feel that day will be the right way to spend the day.

    I too have been making up little recipes and freezing them as well as freezing all leftovers in convenient little meals. The powerloss episode in September caused me to cook like crazy and I've been enjoying all the little precooked meals from that. So a different road has opened up....Am considering Nutrisystem for a couple of months as well. Got a more reasonable offer on same through my drug company. Thinking, thinking. Only a short time to decide. Thinking maybe two months.

    Well, maybe time to go back to bed and see if I can sleep. In an errant sleep pattern again and we all know that's not good for weight loss.

    Going out to lunch w/friend tomorrow before she goes to FL for four months or so. She's one of my pillars of strength and we always get the world straightened out when we get together.

    Hoping it's a great day for all.

  • Huzzah, Royal Ones! So great to see the latest posties here by Wood Nymph and Anagram. Woot!

    Arabella, would love to hear thee in performance of the Messiah, sounds as though ye are way busy and that is great this season.

    I am also using the season that I am having of what I am pleased to call "underemployment" (sounds better than a lot o' the things I used to call it) to rid self of things that do not serve or help me, including mental habits that aren't that helpful and a lotta other baggage. Loving the holiday spirit I find myself in.

    Anagram, sorry thy computer was on the blink, glad ye are here. Interesting to hear thy discussion of some things going on that you relate to binges. I am glad I am not the only one!

    Interesting, too, that ye are thinkin' o' Nutrasystem. I am fascinated by some o' those plans. I also freeze meals and am also fascinated by all the neat kinds of containers there are these days.

    I'm off to shop soon, do have to work tomorrow night and then will have work for awhile. Just want to be lazy today.

    My weigh-in Wednesday (today) was ambivalent. I posted this in my blog, kind of explains. I'll preface it by saying (guess this is a repeat statement lol) that I exercise every single day and have a streakity streak going of not missing a day but had been slacking on weights and intensity and length of time and knees are protesting the extra pounds that I am trying to get off, pounds that I DO consider a part of my long term maintenance, but I COULD be frustrated by this weigh-in if I weren't measuring and if my clothes didn't fit better and if I didn't feel stronger.

    "Deep consultation with scale, exercise log and tape measure. Lost overall total inches of 6.25 (number includes bicep and calf gain, which is a good thing). However, gained a pound. Lifting heavier and generally exercising longer lately, so a possible conclusion is a combo of eating too many cals and hopefully gaining strength. Would REALLY like to lose scale weight but muscle more important as I reach a certain age. Scale will comply soon or will stomp on it at midnight and bury in the backyard!"
  • Woot, woot and triple woot! We here in Amarantha land are movin' back to our Sunday weigh-in, just makes more sense and also think there'll be some kindly Scale Angels around!

    Will be back then. Hope all are well! Have happy days!
  • Wazoo, what a glorious cold day in Arizona, Royal Ones! Am/Tess (both my current nicknames on the 'net) be recallin' that this was the Sunday Wood Nymph Arabella was to participate in Handel's Messiah and hope to hear how that went, love that piece, used to play the violin in the school production of it each year for a long time.

    Anagram, hope ye have turned on the holiday music, I jogged to it this mornin', verra inspirin' music. Hope all is well.

    Wsw, so good to see ye every time. Hope ye are feelin' okay and no after effects present from the fall.

    Kaylets, hope all is movin' along okay with thee also.

    To anyone who posted recently that I forgot to mention, apologies, and hope any who traverse hither and yon in the palace, whether lurker or participant, friend or even foe, if there be any here, are well and happy and feels free to speak whenever ye breeze in here.

    I am delirious to have returned to Sunday weigh-ins (more scale angels about than on Wednesdays) and did this mornin' drop two exact pounds, except one was a regain from the time I started the ticker so the ticker only shows I lost one but that's okay, it was TWO ... also had yet another nice session with the tape measure (I use a tape device especially designed for bodybuilders or I'd think it wasn't accurate. I've really been reshaping the bod in all the right places and am happy about that.

    Dear friends, if I may call you that, thank you for welcomin' moi back at the palace with no judgments, rancor.

    Woot! I would be remiss if I did not thank also the makers of Vita Top muffin tops for their help in my two pound reversal this past week. They are fairly healthy and I don't have to make them myself and the chocolate one especially when heated in a microwave is like a huge fudge brownie with chocolate chips. I sometimes eat one with a protein shake lol. The muffin tops are only 100 calories and are naturally sweetened and have high hunger stopping fiber.

    Beats the heck outta donuts!
  • Fresh Start Monday, yet again!
    And I resolve to be more diligent. The festive season is upon us and we do know where a lack of diligence will take us. Not going there.

    Amarantha, indeed, indeed, yesterday was performance day -- and it was rapturous! I was excited to be singing it again and all went well. We always have our best friend couple (also in the choir) over for dinner after the performance, so we did that. Also it was my mom's 88th birthday so we had her and the sister who took her to the concert. I made this cake:

    It's a bit of a tradition -- DH's mom requested it the last time she was with us for her birthday. It is really quite a lot of work, even just the flowers, but is spectacular. Ever since then, both my mom and DH request it for their birthdays. And I struggle a bit with the task of making such a fussy cake when I'm busy but manage to be happy to make it, both in honour of MIL and gratitude that I still have my mom and DH to make it for. It's a labour of love, no question.

    Anyway, I doubled the recipe and froze two layers so when DH's birthday rolls around shortly, I can just frost it and make the pineapple flowers.

    Dear friends? Yes, we all are.

    Anagram, so sorry about your woes with DD! There is just nothing harder than trouble with your child. And, of course, so much worse if they find a way to blame you for it. A friend in the choir had that kind of a situation right before the performance yesterday and it really put a damper on her afternoon -- although I think the singing took care of most of the angst before too long.

    Sorry about your good friend going to FL for four months. I had a date with my bestie a couple of weeks back -- Saturday breakfast out followed by a trip to a Christmas church fair. What a luxury it was to hang out for an extended visit! I resolve to try to find more opportunities to do that. Really, what's life all about, o/w?

    Kaylets, WSW

    K, I'm supposed to be working b/c travelling to Halifax this aft and must get work done (and get steps in) before we leave.

    Let's take this day that we've been given and live it right up! Love to all...
  • Arabella, thank you for posting that beautiful cake recipe and I loved that blog site. Glad you had a wonderful experience with the Messiah!

    Anagram, not sure I expressed it but also my support and understanding goeth out to thee that issues with thy DD will resolve themselves. I do not have children except the furball kind so sometimes am remiss about mentioning folks' human children concerns.

    Arabella, yea, I feel the REAL FRIENDSHIP that has been in thy welcome backs here! Just by happenstance, I blogged on the difference between FALSE FRIENDS AND REAL FRIENDS! To those who welcomed me back to the palace, please know I include thee in the latter category. The blog was posted a number of places (with various rewrites lol) and I put it on my 3FC blog.

    It is how I am feeling about the glorious Solstice, Christmas and New Year ahead. I am sayin' good-bye to emotional eating, to false and toxic friendships, whether online or off (again, no one at 3FC who welcomed me back is included), to Wally World Triangle Donuts and to the stupid regain pounds shown on my ticker! Some career issues are also being explored as to whether good or bad, but that is another story.

    Woot! T'will be a glorious year ahead.

    I really have another several hours of paid work to do and shall hocus pocus focus on it.

    Wsw, Kaylets and all who wander in the palace environs, huzzah!
  • One good day in -- journalled food, got all my steps, stayed OP. Repeating today.

    Yesterday was a horrid, if productive, work day. Was ready to commit hari-kari (sp?) by the end of it, when I opened the final piece of content for edit and it was just terrible. Almost indecipherable. However, I sat here and did it and then, when I'd finally finished, staggered away from the computer and out into the mild evening to pick up food for dinner and walk off the stress. Going to try to avoid that necessity today.

    Amarantha, I'm enjoying enjoying the season with thee! This weekend, we'll get our tree and so will have a nice relaxed decorating event. I always like to get the tree done for the 16th, which is DH's birthday, but so often I'm frantically trying to get it done at the last minute and then cooking myself into a tizzy. All shall be sweet and sane this year. The cake's made and in freezer and I'll prepare dinner ahead too. Will be a joyous and relaxed event, huzzah!

    Peace and love to all within Palace or on walk-about! Let's make this a good one.
  • Hello all!

    Thanksgiving trip went very well, dogs were far better behaved than I hoped and made friends with my friends' dogs. Difficult to watch the meal being made but I tried to step away outside with the dogs when overwhelmed.

    Must have been very stressed as caught a head cold while visiting which is now become a chest cold although I think it is improving.

    Am realizing this season is going to be far more difficult for me than I had anticipated----frankly, almost wishing it was behind me.

    Have also ( timing is such a beautiful thing!) heard from DH's children.
    Both are questioning the wording of requirements DH wanted met before a small amt of money would be distributed to them. For the most part, both of them feel the requirements of being drug and tobacco free are unfair.

    Meanwhile, I was finalizing the 1st yr death anniversary memorial arrangements ( its part of DH's traditions). I texted both of them the particulars & only one responded w/ "Thanks".

    Life lesson from this experience---I made a decision earlier this fall regarding the same distribution -- I chose to the high road ---( although advised this was not in my best interest).

    So, now, when I hear the complaints, its doesn't impact me emotionally. I have no guilt.
    And have a clarity I never had before regarding DH's children.

    And as I said, timing is everything.

    Its so against my grain not to 'fix' things but that was exactly what DH would do and it only made them feel entitled rather than appreciative.

    In a way, it's a reminder that I need to focus on what I can change, and to let go what I cannot.

    Anagram, in so many ways I can relate, although for you, the seeing the effect on the princesses must be very difficult. My thoughts are with you.

    Empres, you are always inspiring!

    Woodsnymph....hope the work related stress slows down! Your visual of staggering away from the computer hit home!

    To everyone, a good day.

    I need some breakfast.
  • Wow. Weather bomb here today, heavy rains and high winds. I can barely see the lights across the harbour from my perch here at the computer.

    I'm glad it's not tomorrow, at least, when we'll be heading home. I'm happy to report another OP day yesterday. I had a very nice walk, too. Having discovered a tree-lined street with gorgeous old homes on it, I walked there again, continued along and saw at the end a wooded area. What's that, I wondered and determined to go that far to see. Lo and behold, when I reached there, it was a large and lovely park that I'd always wanted to visit but hadn't known where it was. Bonus! It's supposed to clear up here this afternoon and I'll take myself there for a walk. DH is taking me out for dinner ce soir.

    Have done already and I may just seek out sauna and pool...

    Kaylets, how wise you are, and how regal! I'm so proud to know you. The high road is always the right road and the personal gains are always greater, no matter what the perceived best interests may be.

    So glad your TG trip went well, and yay for the good dogs!

    Yes, must prevent self from sitting at computer until staggering away is the only exit possible. Bah!

    OK, lies. I'm off to work. Let's make this a good one!
  • Huzzah to latest posters in the house today (think it is today lol, been a blur for moi these past few ones), Arabella and Kaylets!

    This, with apologies be a me-me postie as had a verra busy mornin', more dedicated than ever to the fitness and weight loss journey, as well as getting some career things in line for the coming year as, dear royals, ancient though I guess I be (so they tell me), I did NOT get to the point in life I was at a few years ago to not try, in a more muted and less ambitious way, to stay in the working world a bit longer. In fact I do have one contract that I am working but am determined to go full throttle next year.

    Same with the weight and fitness. Now that the holidays are indeed here and I have time off to think and cook, I am hocus pocus focused focused.

    But, for now, I AM in need o' Meal 4 (I've been dividing my meals evenly throughout the day again, it does seem to work best for weight and blood sugar control).

    And I just want to read and not think for awhile.

    Arabella, hope the weather be nice for the trip home and Kaylets, I am also so glad to know you and concur with the regal adjective.

    Huzzah to wsw and anagram and anyone else lurkin' 'bout the palace and mayhap relaxin' with a cuppa tea and a sit by the fire.

    Hmmmm, I do need a nap. I did 120 minutes of run/walk intervals today for my streakity streak!

    I do have a blog here at 3fc in which I update some things.

    Sometimes I find myself referring to self as Tess or lately 3rdgeneration1, lol, I have too many internet names but t'is all just me.
