Let the weight loss begin!

  • Hello everyone! My name is Mary and this is my first time on this site. I am super excited about joining and starting the weight loss journey. Everyone at my job is on some sort of diet so it is nice to have support so close everyday along with the online support. It is day three of weight watchers and so far it is going well. I did weight watchers about 8 years ago so alot has changed. I am loving that all the fruits and most veggies are 0 points! I am looking for different types of meals to give my stomach some variety instead of eating the same things all the time, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
    If anyone can tell me how to get those cute tickers at the end of most of the posts on here, i would love ya forever! I would love to lose 60 pounds because according to the crazy BMI thingy, I should weigh 117 to 130 or something like that but personally I think I would look unhealthy at that weight! My short term goals are as follows: 12 lbs by Valentines day; 20lbs by my daughter's 12th birthday (Mar 20); and 30 lbs by my wedding day (April 16). Hopefully I will be able to achieve these goals!
    I would love to hear some success stories, especially if you are doing weight watchers, and let me in on your secrets! Hope to talk to you soon!

  • Congrats on your upcoming wedding!!!

    You can get the ticker at TickerFactory.com
  • thanks!
  • Welcome!

    I'm glad to see that you have found the WW threads. Please continue to make yourself at home. We're glad you're here.