Lacto vegetarian diet help

  • Hi, I am new to this forum and I need help. I used to be that thin girl that could eat whatever she wanted, but when I became pregnant, I gained a 100 pounds. The doctors aren't sure why, as I was unable to keep anything down most of the time. Anyway, now I am about 85 pounds overweight and I also have some trouble with my gall bladder and I have lupus. My gall bladder is always acting up and I recently read that a lacto vegetarian diet is best, and as I understand it, it would help me lose weight as well. I started walking only just this week, and am doing 4 miles a day (2 in the morning, 2 at night). Soooo although I have searched and searched I can't find anything that would give me a plain simple approach to creating a lacto vegetarian diet. I hate cooking, don't really have the time and really love fish, cheese and chocolate. Does anyone know where to find a cooking impaired lacto vegie diet cookbook?? Or something??? Thanks!!
  • Rose Elliot (English Author) is veggie and has a slimming book out that covers a large range of diets. Cannot remember the exact title but check on her name. Also Judith WIllis/Wills is another. I think Weight watchers do a veggie book if you are following their diet?

    Other than that do a search for low fat veggie cook books.
  • I am with Slimming World myself as I find this to be a more veggie friendly way of eating. They have a green diet whcih is mainly pasta, rice and potatoes with fruit and veg. You can have small amounts of fish and meat if wanted which count as a healthy option. The red diet is meat and fish galore but you cannot have stodge (rice/spuds/pasta) unless you add "sins" on.

    Another book which might be ok for you is anything by Rosemary Conley. I do however recommend the Rose Eilliot book which I had but unfortunately lost in a move.
  • Hi everybody

    I have just ordered the Healthy Eating For Dummies cookbook from an internet booksite. Someone on my usual thread recommended it and judging by the title, it could be just what I need!!
    When I get it Iwill post a bit aout it..

    don't know if it would help a lacto vegetarian, though, sorry!
  • Im a vegetarian, but love to cook and therefore an quite adventourous.

    A great place to start is doing a search on the internet for vegetarian sites. is a great site with receipes and information.

    I hope you find what your looking for. REmember that a vegie diet doenst have to be boring - im lucky if i eat the same meal twice in a month