Walking to speed up weight loss

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  • walking makes me feel great
    I've been walking on the treadmill for an hour each day now. I like to watch movies on the DVD at the same time. The time seems to fly. In the future, I'm going to slowly increase the time I walk on the treadmill. I feel so good afterward.
  • Yes, walk!!

    I use the Walk Away The Pounds/Walk At Home DVDs by Leslie Sansone. At the moment, I am walking the equivalent of 3 miles each morning before work. Takes about 45 min. with the DVD. I switch off between a "Boot Camp" DVD that uses resistance bands in between the walking and another DVD where I use 2 pound hand weights. I feel like I get a good all-over workout.

    It took a while to work up the the 3 mile. The first time I did the 1 mile I wondered if I would be able to keep up and progress. But I kept at it and it just feels so good to move my body/muscles.

    Good luck and no matter how you get your walking done, you will be amazed at how good you will feel.