5lbs lost this week & MY AHA MOMENT

  • Everyone,
    I just had to share my 5lb milestone because I was here venting when I had chinese food and even with that, alittle tae bo and better food choices and I lost 5lbs... I am so excited.
    What is so amazing to me, is that I believe weightloss is so psychological and the problem starts in your mind. I sat down and determined what drove me to this weight gain and in lamest terms here were my 4 very aha moments.
    First things to deal with :
    1- Food portions (how much)
    2- Carbohydrates (bad ones, though I will still eat from time to time, now It hit me; those are to enjoy once in a while and as a treat.
    3- Fats (the bad kind) again, I will continue to eat carbs and fats however, my food choices will be around much better and healthier choices.
    4- 3 meals a day, don't let my body get to starvation mode because I will loose control on all of the above!

    I have heard all of this time and time again, but it wasn't until I analyzed and sat down and really dug deep that my aha moment hit!

    Just wanted to share my thoughts and progress w/everyone! HAPPY HOLIDAYS
  • Exactly right. We all know these things, but until we really KNOW these things, we still struggle. Five pounds is wonderful!
  • Congratulations!! You must feel fantastic!!

    I realized along the way (I've been doing this for almost a year) that this entire process is something along the lines of being 90% psychological. I was a daily binge eater so having to re-learn how to have respect for food was a struggle at first. The first 3 months were the toughest but as the weight started to come off I really began making food choices which were healthier. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy snack foods but in moderation now!
  • Quote: Exactly right. We all know these things, but until we really KNOW these things, we still struggle. Five pounds is wonderful!
    4xcharm- yes I agree and 5lbs is wonderful
  • Quote: Exactly right. We all know these things, but until we really KNOW these things, we still struggle. Five pounds is wonderful!
    4xcharm- yes I agree and 5lbs is wonderful
  • Kimberlyp- wow congrats on your weightloss and your accomplishments.... 1 year changing your life for the better and still going strong is awesome!!!! I know I have long ways to go but I am very happy I was able to come to terms w my real struggle with regards to food. I am reading a book called Mshrink yourself, break free from emotional eating forever;the therapists guide to losing weight" by Dr.Roger Gould. This is what brought on my aha moments.... awesome book, I recommend it!