weight watchers pro points

  • hello, ive just bought the new weight watchers "shop" book, what i didnt realise it operates on the new "propoints" system, i dont have the money to go to the meetings and think i have the motivation to do it on my own. Could someone please help and let me know how many propoints i would be allowed a day? im female, 25, 5 foot 7, weigh 138lbs and am mostly sedentary try and do 40 minutes exercise most days but have an office job. Would like to get down to 130lbs. Thanks very much.
  • My guess is 29 since that's the minimum and you are quite close to your goal. B
  • There is not quiz anymore and exercise isn't included since so many overestimate their activity. 29 is probably what you would get but there have been other changes as well. Couldn't you go to one meeting? You get everything you need and you will definitely need a calculator to compute points because they are figured differently and it is a complicated formula.
  • the book has points in it? plus there are online calculators like this one:


    wont let me post links any other way
  • In the US, it is PointsPlus. I believe ProPoints is in England. But not sure if they would be the same.
  • you really should join for one week at least to get the correct information. The system is different and you need a calculator. The input info is also different. Don't cheat yourself. Go to a meeting or join for a week so you can get online and get the right information. It's this way for a reason. so people can't sneak in.