Uber fesses up!

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  • My oh my....

    Since Thanksgiving, I've gained 6 lbs. And it wasn't hard to do. No fun desserts, no out there restaurant meals. But I didn't stick to my plan. A bite here and a bite there added up to a six pound gain in two weeks.

    Furious at myself, because I was really being disciplined for several weeks leading up to the holiday, harder workouts and very ratcheted down calories, and then in the four to five days before Thanksgiving, I just started gaining-- a pound a day. Now, chickies, I've been at this long enough to know that I can gain a pound a day for several days prior to TOM, but instead of being rational, I just used it as an excuse to eat too much Thanksgiving and then never fully get back on plan.

    I've been seeing the scale up and thinking maybe it was still TOM, but this morning when I got on the scale I had to face hard facts. I maintain when I'm actively trying to lose, and I don't have to go very far off plan to see a fairly big gain.

    The good news? Got up this morning, ate my on plan breakfast, packed my lunch, and I'm BACK to business. I'm applying 3FCs famous 3-days on plan back in the saddle rule....

    The bad habits are hard to shake and SO EASY to pick up again, but the good habits also help tide me through.
  • You go girl... getting back at it is all that matters
  • Good for you for catching yourself and getting right back up there. That's one of my fears, slipping up and then not being able to get back going again.
  • So glad you're back on plan! You stopped it before it got way out of hand. You can do this.
  • The best you can do is get up and move forward, I hope three good days on plan does the trick for you
  • Don't worry, I gained seven pounds from three days of off plan eating over thanksgiving. As soon as I got back on plan, I lost that seven + another 3. Nothing's as motivating as a huge woosh

  • Congrats on getting back on track!
  • Good job getting back on! That's the point
  • Great job getting back On Plan!

    Just a quick question, I know that you generally do a VERY low calorie plan, do you think that that made it easier to fall off the wagon? Because you were previously so deprived and then the holiday hit and it was like FOOD!

    Just wondering if maybe upping your cals just by 200 even might help you feel less deprived, making it easier to stay on plan?
  • Good job getting back on the wagon and learning from your experience. It's a journey and there will be some hills and valleys along the way.
  • Good for you! See this is where I always messed up in the past...I would fall off the wagon and gain a few pounds back- then I would throw the baby out with the bath water. You have got your self back in check and have taken back control of your weight loss plan. Good job!!!
  • Well done for getting back on plan so quickly.
    I always want to yell at people, "Don't be me!" One day I'd regained a couple of pounds, the next I'd regained 89.
    Congratulations for halting this now!
  • Good job on recovering from your stumble!
  • Uber, 3 days back on plan is just what you need, and I will echo everyone else who said good for you for getting right back at it.

    I have been sailing along on my plan, actually wondering why I didn't do this sooner, it's not so hard really, and how did I get so big in the first place? THEN just a few extras on Thanksgiving and I was white-knuckling it for days. This past weekend we had a sleepover bday for my daughter, I indulged in a small piece of cake, and the next day, being super tired and vegging out and I wanted to eat everything in sight! Somehow I managed to divert disaster and yesterday was perfectly back on plan. But any other time besides now and it would have been OVER.

    Use this as a learning experience to remember why those little cheats can send some of us over the edge, be prepared to "suffer" the consequences of squirming a little to get back on plan. And try to remember, REALLY remember why you started this in the first place. 3 days back on, and it'll be smooth sailing again. I feel for you!!!
  • Confession is good for the soul!! Congrats for getting back on track.

    The next holiday will probably fall right at TOM too. Yikes! Be strong!

    Stick with your good habits and they will serve you well all the way through the next holiday challenges!