Getting Complacent

  • Hey guys! Wanted to get some quick advice from those who have been there and made it the ful extent of their weightloss goal. I have a lot left to lose, and I'm hitting the point in my weightloss where I get really complacent and stop pushing myself. I usually just climb right back up to where I was at before I start the downward cycle again. It's like I've been gaining and losing the same 50 lbs forever! But I really don't want to slip back like that, and I'm making it my mission not to go back up and through all of this again. I'm just wondering what kinds of things do you all use to motivate yourselves again? I know full well that this is a commitment, something I've never realize before, but I'm trying to re-light that fire that I had 30lbs ago when I was so into it. Anyone?
  • swtbttrfly23- hi I am still very far from my goal- but I did want to share my motivation with you. Last Spring one morning I decided to weigh myself. I had not weighed all winter and quite frankly I was scared to. I weighed 255 Lbs. All those months of choc ice cream before bed and eating in front of the TV was proof that I was completely out of control. Every night after eating until I thought I would bust I would think to myself why do I do this? I'm not even happy I feel guilty and confused why I keep on doing this.
    A few day's later I went shopping with my daughter inlaw. As we were walking up to one of the stores I could see my reflection in the plate glass window. Even though I was wearing my favorite outfit and had done my hair- I looked bad. I am not very tall and most of my weight is from my waist to my knees. I felt so low and sad. I couldn't even enjoy an outing because I felt bad about myself.
    Now I am slowly trying to get my life back again. On day's that I feel hungry and wonder why I can't just eat- I remember all the bad feelings that made me want to lose weight and get healthy.
    I also LOVE the way it makes me feel to slip on a pair of jeans that are a size smaller than it was 2 months ago. And knowing if I hang in there I will be in a smaller size again in a couple of more months.
    I guess just feeling better about yourself and knowing your doing something important for your health. This can and will change our life for the better. It will not solve all our problems but it will at least solve the weight problem.
    Please hang in there you have come so far! You have lost a lot of weight. Go into the section in this forum and look at the before and after photos- that is great motivation!
  • What can I say? I never experienced what you have. When I made the decision to lose the weight, I made the decision to lose ALL the weight. I wanted to be that healthy weight once and for all, no matter what and permanently.

    I had settled for an inferior quality of life for waaay too long. I was done settling. Yes, I was thrilled to be health-ier, but that wasn't enough. I wanted health-iest.

    I was done settling for second best, I wanted first best.

    What, just because I started out so heavy, I don't deserve to be my very, very best? Nope. Not having it.

    I didn't start this little venture to not take it all the way home. All. The. Way. Home.

    It was time. It was time to discover who I was really meant to be.

    Shouldn't it be your time too?
  • Complacency is my big downfall.

    I get complacent when my weightloss, although slowing down, keeps on going.
    I get complacent when I get to weights where my clothes look better.
    I get complacent when I can buy clothes in regular shops.
    I GOT complacent last time when I got to 136 and looked somewhere between normal and hot, depending on the day.

    OP, I think you're spot on, complacency is our worst enemy, because it's sneaky, and rides on the back of our new, good ways of eating having become somewhat ingrained, and on the back of feeling justifiably proud about ourselves.

    I wrote another 10 minutes worth but it has vanished, and I haven't got time to re-write at the moment. However, what I would say is that for me the key is remembering that complacency can indeed strike, and constant vigilance is necessary. In my case I find changing up my eating pattern has helped.

    Off to look for where my other pearls of wisdom vanished to......
  • Complacency is the reason that I am on this effort to lose 100+ lbs for the third time.
    THIS TIME - I will do it. So will you.
    Re-evaluate why you want to lose the weight. Break the remaining weight into small, achievable goals , say 5lbs or 10 lbs. Celebrate each achievement with a small non-food treat. Realise that you are deserving of success, and failure is not an option.
    I have been overweight all my life, it has coloured and negatively affected me for so long. At the age of 43 I want to be free of this armour, and allowed to be the person I so want to be.
    Together we can do this!