Getting out of the 2 teens and into Onderland

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  • I think these next 19.5 pounds will need some extra hard work, and super motivation. Anyone else out there in the 2 teens and working to onderland?

    Post your stats and motivations here!

    Just got under the 220 radar this week, and hope to get out fo the 200's sooner than later. Wanna join?

    We can do this!
  • I'm in the 2-Teens (213.5 lbs) too trying to get to Onederland (hopefully by the end of the year but if not I'm fine with that too). It's strange but onederaland seems both tangibly close and impossibly far at the same time. I haven't been in onederland since maybe I was 11-12 years old! But yes we can definitely do it! Let's Go!!!
  • Me! I've been hovering around the just-under 220 mark for a couple of weeks now. Hoping that the scale will start moving again in the next week or so, as my stalls typically last 2-3 weeks.

    I was at 218.4 this morning. Hoping to be in Onederland by my DS's birthday (Jan 22).
  • I just made it into the 2 teens at the beginning of this month. Right now I'm at 215.4 and hoping to make it to Onederland by the end of January. Holidays make it so hard to stay on track. I'm going to try and stay on plan and workout as much as possible during these food centric months.
  • Heee of this morning, I can officially say that I fit in this category

    I haven't been in the two teens for about 8 years, and I haven't been under two hundred since 8th grade. I know I'm going to make it, and I'm incredibly excited. Hoping to make it to Onederland by February, if not earlier

    My motivation - big move/life change coming in June, and I want to look and feel my best. Also, not planning on having a car for a year, so I want to be able to get from place to place and not have a completely red face

    Starting weight: 249.4
    Current weight: 219.8
    Next goal: 199
    Goal Date: 2/14/2011
  • Great to see others in the same boat rowing towards onederland!

    toastedsmoke: I know what you mean about being tangible, but seeming so far away! Just keep plugging away. Track your daily or weekly progress here, until we get there. We can do this!

    BacOs: I hope you unstall soon! What a great goal of mid January to reach your goal. Keep it up!

    julz05: It sounds like we both just made it to the 2 teens recently.
    I know what you mean about the holidays, and I think it'll be a big challenge. Thankfully, I only have a few days off to eat and be around food (at parents house). End of Jan is a great goal.

    spixiet: Congrats on getting into the 2 teens! The big move/ life change is certainly great motivation, and Feb is a great goal timeline. We can all do this together!

    I wonder how I ever got above two hundred pounds when I really think about it, but anyway, it isn't time to brood about it. It is time to get out of it asap. I feel somewhat obsessed with it. Does anyone else feel that way? I guess it is great to make it a priority. It's about time. I wish you all the best of luck, and keep track on this thread.

    Starting weight 08/30: 237.7
    current weight 11/19/2010 : 119.5
    next goal: 199
    Goal date: 02/19/2011
  • I've kind of been stuck here since June... not really gaining or losing... I want to get to Onderland by New Years...
  • I'm here and ready to leave! Been here before and I don't care for it. But, we are all on our way outta here to the two-ten-and-belows.
  • Great to see others in the same boat and hoping to get into wonderland (onederland soon than later)! We can do this ladies!
  • Well, thanks to a good whoosh last week I went from the two-teens to 209-210 this past week, and I am dying to get into onderland! If I don't make it by the new year I won't mind, but it would certainly be nice. So long as the weight is coming off I can't complain, though.

    Start weight: 257 (upwards of 275 when I was pregnant, it settled around 260 afterward)
    This week: 210.4
    Mini goal: 189 ASAP
    End game: 160 at maximum, 140 would be nicer.

    I don't do time related challenges, they tend to set me up for disappointment when I ONLY lose 1.8 pounds instead of 2.0, etc etc, so I am just cruising down the scale with no specific time in mind, except steadily and with decent speed. And yes, those terms are purposefully ambiguous
  • ^Sounds like a good plan Arctic Mama!Congrats on the weight loss so far

    I ended up gaining .5 this week, and it was a bit of a letdown considering I have been losing most weeks. I figure it is because of my TOM. I'll just keep working hard this week, and pray I go down next week. I'm certainly not giving up.
    I hope everyone else is having a good week, and healthy Thanksgiving!
  • I just hit 219.5 yesterday and was thrilled. I had a very moderate Thanksgiving and am ready to go!
  • Even with thanksgiving I was able to stay pretty much on plan, except for Thursday... down 2.6#s this week!

    I'm still focused on Onderland by New Years!!
  • Can I join ? Only left the teo teens last weekend!!
    Current weight 207.9
    Christmas goal -Onederland (I know I'll have to go some but I'm hopeful!)
    Ultimate goal -153 seems random but equates to under 70kgs and under 11 stone both places I have not been since I was 11 !
    Together we can do this
  • i hope you keep this thread going because i should be here next week I hope!!!