Staying on track with 3FC

  • This last year has been and continues to be a crazy emotional and stressful roller coaster. It has been really tough for me to get my eating under control. I definately am a person who eats when they are stressed.

    I can't believe how amazing this 3FC group is for helping me to stay on track. All of the success stories and the great people who are apart of the online community. Anytime I think of "falling of the wagon" I remember this website. I'm not the only one going through this and I need to pull it together and reach my goals.

    Does anyone else have this same feeling?
  • Definitely! I honestly think that this site is helping make the difference for me this time. I've never had somewhere like this where I could vent and share and learn and just read how other people are going through the same struggles. The success stories are just so motivating and inspiring too.

    I tried doing WW a couple times in the past and it never stuck, know how they say that people are a lot more likely to stick with it if they actually go to meetings? That's probably true. A support system is such a blessing.
  • This site is a huge part of my success. It's where I learned all my secrets! It's where I first read the quote "A year from now you'll be happy you started today". It's where I learned that weight loss is 80% diet and only 20% exercise and that you can't exercise your way out of a bad diet. Conversely, it's also where I learned if you do NOT exercise as much as 40% of what is lost could be muscle.

    I could take up an entire thread with everything I've learned here!
  • It helps me a lot. It gives another layer of structure to my staying on track, particularly the weekly weigh-ins.

  • I'm completely in the same boat as you.
    Good luck with staying on track!
  • Absolutely. And I've found that when I start to not visit as frequently, it's time to ramp things up and visit here more b/c coming here and reading all the inspiring posts keep me accountable and on plan.
  • This place is such a help, that's why I'm here multiple times a day! I love seeing all the great ideas and reading about struggles and successes.

    I hope things calm down for you soon and until then you just have to take it one day at a time. :-)
  • I hear ya, we are at about the same so we can do this together. If it wasn't for 3FC I don't know what I would do. I haven't lost weight but having to friendships and encouragement from the others here is so awesome.

    I have been battling depression very bad for about 3 months now, the meds my doc had me on caused me to gain weight horribly. I finally had my doc change my meds to Wellbutrin and also put me on Nuvigil which greatly suppresses my appetite even though its to help me focus.

    I am tired of my weight I HATE HATE HATE lets do this together.


  • I am not sure if I would have "made it" if it weren't for 3FC. Just a few reasons why:
    - Information. I learned new recipes, new foods, tips and tricks, general info about weight control.
    - Emotional support. The process of weight loss is a fairly simple scientific thing. Eat less, move more, yadda yadda. But it's also a massively emotional process, and to have a place where I can discuss and vent with people who are experiencing the same things as me has been invaluable.
    - Encouragement (and the occasional buttkicking). When I plateaued, when I felt like it wasn't worth it, when I wanted to give in to all my cravings I'd come here to be straightened out.
    - Keeps my interest up. Sometimes tracking calories and worrying about weight stuff gets old. Having a place to discuss it, share my own tips and experiences and such, it keeps my mind in the game.
    - Friendships AND Annonymity. I've "gotten to know" many people here and truly appreciate there advice and input just like I do my "real life" friends. But at the same time, I share things here that I wouldn't say to a lot of "real life" people.
    - Accountability. This has been a big one for me. I find when I'm drifting off plan, I don't want to come on 3FC because I feel shameful. But I make myself update my weight every single Monday. It's an incentive to be accountable and stay on track.

    3FC has been a HUGE part of my success, and I imagine it will continue to be so during maintenance.
  • I love 3FC. It's made me realize that I'm not going on a temporary "diet", but I have to change my life in order to look and feel the way I want. In the past I'd diet for a few months, lose weight (I never really tracked my food or weighed myself) and then decide I was done and eat "normally" (AKA way too much) and then pile it back on. I wish I had all of the information and motivation from this forum during past diets.
  • I was just talking about 3FC to my husband last night . I was telling him how important this site has been to me and how I feel I would not have succeeded without it. I find that if I don't log in for a few days, it is because I am slipping up on my diet and feeling guilty about it. Coming here makes me feel grounded and determined to succeed. How can you not succeed when you are surrounded by so many success stories and support. I love it here and I plan to stick around during maintenance to help others like you have all helped me!
  • It has helped me to lose ten pounds since Oct. 25th. I can honestly say that I have no worries about getting off track again. I have proven to myself that I can do this...why would I stop now? Yay!

  • This website has helped me immensely throughout my weight loss journey. I found this board near the beginning of my weight loss and I have to say that if it wasn't for the people and support of this board I probably wouldn't have stayed as committed as I have been.

    For a few months I kind of dropped off the board due to professional and personal requirements and during that time my weight loss has stalled. So now I'm back on here and my weight loss has started back up again. So once again to all the ladies and gents on this board--Thank you for your tips, stories, advice, successes, failures, thoughts, kind words, and inspiration.