exercise equipment advice needed!

  • Well I am thinking about buying an exercise machine, I am not comfortable going to the gym. I was wondering what type of machine is the best for burning the calories, but will support my weight and will be easy to work with. any suggestions.?
  • Landice treadmill. Check your local craigslist for the best deal as they are really really expensive brand new...the difference in price could be thousands of dollars. It supports up to 500 lbs for the newer models and 400 lbs for the older models. As an owner of a very expensive full home gym, I would NEVER buy all that equipment again!

    A good quality treadmill, some free weights is all you need...really! These will get you better results than all the "equipment" in the world!
  • I was thinking a treadmill or an eliptical trainer. a treadmill seems easiest . And I am definately just wanting something easy and cheap. I know I can get outside and walk but I want something weather friendly. Thanks for the help.
  • I have a lifecycle eliptical, but really don't like using it, cuz it makes my toes go numb and my feet ache...too much pressure...I love running (especially outdoors), but it's getting really cold here where I live so indoors I must go!
  • I have a recumbant bike and I love it! Of course, the main problem is my butt is still pretty big lol and it's not a very comfortable seat. But if you don't have tha big of a butt, it's not a big deal. I'm sure once I lose some more weight it will feel fine to sit on. but I do that in front of the TV a lot. IME, it's a lot quieter than the treadmil, so you can watch TV or listen to music or even talk.

    but really it's whatever you want to get! good luck
  • Well I was looking at alot of items online, but it seems that alot of the things only really support 250 lbs. What is a fat chick to do? I did go for a walk today. For about 20 minutes. I felt like I was dying when I got back. I hate feeling this way. Just a little at a time though right. ....
  • Quote: Well I was looking at alot of items online, but it seems that alot of the things only really support 250 lbs. What is a fat chick to do? I did go for a walk today. For about 20 minutes. I felt like I was dying when I got back. I hate feeling this way. Just a little at a time though right. ....
    LANDICE makes one of the BEST treadmills on the market and it's rated at 400 lbs for older models and 500 lbs for their newer models. I just bought one from craigslist for a couple hundred dollars....a far cry from it's original price of $4,000! Great way to get in shape during the cold weather and I LOVE IT

    ***OOOOPS...sorry I see I already gave this advice..*****
  • Thanks for the advice again joyfulloser. I have been looking on craigs list daily. No luck yet though.