Why is it so hard to resist?!!!

  • We have pizza in the office...good pizza too. I mean yummy...worth while to eat when you shouldn't. I went out to dinner last night so I didn't want to over do it with pizza today. I placed the order and got salad too...so at lunch I ate a large portion of green salad...and 1 slice of cheese pizza. I was so proud of me. But NOW that it's here in the office...I want more soooooo bad. But I don't want it. I am fighting so hard! So...that's why I am on here. I only work another hour 7 minutes. Help me fight it! I will NOT take it home either...can't do that. I just don't trust myself. I would eat it all. BLAH....so I wonder why it's so hard to resist. Any theories?
  • STAY STRONG!!! This was me YESTERDAY! And it was so close to my desk I could smell it...but after a while I was like "smelling costs ZERO points!" so taht was ok. I drank a ton of water and a cup of hot tea and made it through the afternoon!

    You can do it!
  • You can do it! One slice of pizza and a salad is an awesome accomplishment and you still got to eat some! Congratulations for not depriving yourself but also not overindulging.

    Stay strong, you'll be out of there soon and then the pizza can't tempt you anymore.
  • OH...thanks you guys! It's just so odd how our minds can talk to us...wish the head part of losing weight wasn't so tough on me sometimes. AND I hope that it becomes a little easier the longer I'm at this new life. I CAN do this! I just got myself a cup of coffee. That may help.
  • Any way you can do something outside the area the pizza is at?

    OR why not just put it away if there is a fridge? That way it'll be out of the way.
  • OK! We did it. I didn't eat it and I'm going home! THANKS for the support and encouragement all.
  • Yay, good for you!
  • Did you eat protein?!

    If I ate a super carby lunch like pizza and salad (there isnt THAT much cheese, you maybe got 10g of protein?), I would be snacky even if there wasnt delicious smelling pizza in the office.

    ps - If you havent read The End of Overeating I super highly recommend it. Sheds a lot of light on why we crave things based on brain chemical stuff and how to help avoid it!