zoloft... day 2

  • Well day one BIT and so far so is day 2... tons of nausea, dizziness, EXTREME fatigue and bad headaches. Did not sleep ONE WINK last night so I'm pretty toasted today

    The upside? really easy to stay on plan when the thought of food makes you ill and you can't finish anything

    I'm counting down the days until it starts working and the side effects start going away. I am nothing if not stubborn though so I'll ride this out until it gets better

    Thanks for the support friends!
  • Oh no!

    I am sure you will be over this soon and then you will feel better! (Can you take a half dose until you adjust or is that not possible - I don't really know much about zoloft)
  • I hope you feel better soon

    I didn't have any side effects and I have been taking it over a month now.
  • Hoping your transition to better days goes as smoothly and as swiftly as possible.
  • Did the doctor tell you the side effects would go away over time? I hope it gets better!

    If not, maybe they can alter the dose or try a different medication.
  • The side effects should go away in 7-10 days. And I'm only taking a starting dose of 25 mg (caplets) so i can't split them.

    I actually am feeling better this afternoon after a two hour nap
  • Quote: The side effects should go away in 7-10 days. And I'm only taking a starting dose of 25 mg (caplets) so i can't split them.

    I actually am feeling better this afternoon after a two hour nap

  • Hang in there. There is light at the end of the tunnel