Another newbie :)

  • Hi all! I have been lurking for a few weeks.
    My story starts a year ago - suffice it to say that I
    have always been fat - but a year ago I decided I was
    going to have gastric bypass. I went through the whole
    pre-op process but decided I just could not do it. I think
    WLS is a good thing for the right person in the right situation,
    but it was just not the right thing for me. I had joined a WLS
    message board started by someone who wrote a WLS book, I'll
    leave it at names. Even though I did not have WLS by
    the time I made that decision I had made friends and felt comfortable
    there so I stayed. I have lost some weight but I have a ton more to lose
    and have been stalled for months. On that board I tried to be friendly
    and helpful and there are some very nice people, but unfortunately
    there was also a few very mean people who for whatever reason hated me.
    I've never been anything but nice, I don't knock anyone who had WLS -
    I was just too scared to do it. But a few people just pretty much made it
    their mission to be mean, and also since I did not have WLS it reached a
    point where it stopped being helpful. I wanted a site where I could get and
    share info with people who have not had WLS but that is also not a Weight
    Watchers, Atkins or some other kind of diet site - I just wanted to meet
    other people like me - so here I am. Right now I really need to get remotivated
    and get my weight loss started again. Its really silly how I let a few mean people
    affect me.
    A friend went through the WLS process with me and she did have surgery in
    Dec 2009. She is now a size 6. Its kind of hard......I want to be supportive
    (and I am) but of course a part of me wishes I was that size now. I couldn't
    really talk about that because she is on that same message board that I was.
    Anyway this is becoming longer than I expected. I'd really love to hear how people successfully lost weight without surgery and how they are keeping it off...I know losing it is only half the battle.
    I'm 38, married, no kids....always been fat but never made a real effort to lose it before now. Its now been a year since I started....but lately I have not been on plan and I have really been struggling with mindless eating and head hunger.
  • Hi and welcome to 3FC.

    Good luck with your goals.

  • Hi and welcome to the group! Good luck reaching your goal!
  • Welcome and good luck!

  • That's awful about the people on your other forum. I hope you have a much better experience here! Welcome and good luck reaching your goals
  • Welcome to 3FC, we are glad you are here!