
  • I've lost 50 lbs.lost it once before,didn't have this problem...
    went all summer without a problem,but for the last month or so,under my boobies and belly I itch terribly.I think there may be a rash now,but it's so clawed up now I can't tell if it's a rash or scratch marks.
    I've read that's a reason for insurance to pay for I know it's common.
    but I have no insurance and won't be getting surgery,so just wondered if any of you have dealt with it and what you might do to make it bearable?
    I have a lot more to lose,and will be exercising to tighten up what muscles I can to hold up the skin.but right now it's miserable.
    I tried goldbond medicated powder...but I think it made it worse.
    Is it because it's sweaty...or because maybe the skin is trying to shrink a little?
    What's bad is I've had two c-sections,so the scar tissue itches,but I can't feel myself scratching it.
    and how gross is it to have keep scratching yourself anyway?lol
  • It might be a yeast infection. Yeast loves warm, moist places, such as skin folds. After a shower, I have had luck with lifting up the flaps and using a blow drier on them. Somehow the towel doesn't remove all the moisture. Then, use plain old corn starch from your kitchen to help absorb moisture during the day. If there is already an infection, a prescription for nystatin or some other anti-fungal may be necessary to clear it up.

    Good luck!
  • Yup, I recommend nystatin or similar. Wash it and dry it really well. Apply nystatin and then use something like corn starch to absorb excess moisture throughout the day. You could also use an anti-persperant as well.
  • try sticking a little surgical gauze in there.
  • I've had infections like this that I thought was just chafing. Make sure you get out of sweaty clothes and shower quickly, but also having a doctor look at it. It may be an infection (yeast infection or otherwise) and require a prescription cream.
  • Thank you ladies,great advice!
    and @ goodforme,I never thought of a blowdryer...that is a great idea!
  • The rash (hives or itchy, scaly eczema) is most likely a soy allergy. Almost every one if these protein products include soy as the protein source. A dramatic consumption of soy can initiate the allergy.
    I myself developed intolerable hives all over my body after doing the duet for two months. Antihistamines, a corticosteroids, and a doctor can help address it.
    It is worth exploring.
  • Interesting. I've had the exact same problem for the last few weeks, but I'm certain it's not a yeast infection because my itching is located almost entirely along my ribcage (not under my breasts at all), waist and even upper hips where I have no skin folds or rolls. There's no rash, just my "claw marks" as you elegantly put it :>) It's not a sudden allergy to soy, I'm certain, because my itching started when I was on holiday in Greece and had no access to any soy products at all. I was convinced it must be a reaction to the clothing detergent I was using while in Greece, except that it's persisted since I came home and washed my clothes in my usual stuff.

    SO, no answers, just commiseration. Itching is miserable. Zyrtec seems to help as long as I remember to take it.