Simple Mediterranean cookbooks

  • Sorry to come into your forum, but my mom needs help. Her doctor has ordered her on the Mediterranean Diet because her asthma is out of control (he says he doesn't even care if she loses weight, just wants her off the processed stuff and fast food). Problem is, Mom calls spaghetti with jarred sauce 'cooking'. So she looked at the MD cookbooks in the library and panicked because they all called for "so much stuff."

    Are there any simple MD cookbooks? They don't have to result in the most fantastic tasting food (she's really not a foodie if I haven't made that clear) as long as they're adherent to the MD principles.
  • Hi chevauchee, welcome to the forum and welcome to 3FC

    Maybe you could go to a library and check out some cookbooks before buying.

    The med diet seems to take a bit more cooking and commitment, but it doesn't have to. Maybe the Sonoma diet cookbook would help her, because the approach is a little more flexible. The first few weeks sound restrictive, but if she's not looking to lose weight anyway, maybe she should get to the "maintenance" phase.

    Also, I don't own these but here are some books for sale online ...
  • eDiets may help for a short term run until she gets the hang of recipes.

    The only drawback to them is that you have to actually call them to cancel, and I recall they had a busy telephone line, or something that complicated matters!
  • Thanks, I'll pass along your suggestions.

    this is a book I got from the library right now, I love it!
  • Thanks!