Do You Have A Tasty Snack Recipe?

  • I am having success using Dr.Peter Miller's book, BINGE BREAKER! in losing weight. He recommends eating a small snack in between meals to prevent bingeing. However, I am having a hard time coming up with snack ideas which are not high fat, etc.

    My situation is complicated by the fact that I cannot eat much in the way of raw veggies or fiber due to digestion problems caused by radiation and chemo. Also I have developed sinus problems that precludes eating much dairy. It's not that I cannot ANY of the above but must limit it.

    Do any of you out there have any favorite snacks that get you through the day? Don't worry too much about the food restrictions above - as I said, I can eat a bit from time to time.

    Many thanks!
  • Hi
    You can buy flavored rice crackers - look for the low fat ones. They are good. Actually on ww, you can have 17 of them for 1 point, and they are about the size of a Ritz cracker, just thinner. They are a little salty though. I also live in Canada and I don't know where you can buy them in the states. Probably just the grocery store.