Eating less points than WW recommends?

  • Hi all,

    I have been doing Weight Watchers for the past couple weeks on my own but am going tonight to a meeting because I need to be held more accountable. Thats why meetings work for me!

    I have been successful in the past with Weight Watchers but during recent attempts I have not been. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and according to WW I should be eating 24 points. My doctor says to stick to around 20 points bc of the PCOS. Does anyone else have any experience with eating less than WW recommends?
  • You aren't supposed to eat less because you have PCOS- you are just supposed to be more mindful of what you eat- such as sticking with complex carbs and no refined carbs or sugars like white breads, potato, white pasta, etc. I don't think your doctor understands that. Points are based on weight aren't they? If you eat too little, SPECIALLY with PCOS you won't lose.
  • I'm not certain what PCOS is or if you "should" eat less with it but, from my experience, when I don't eat all my points, my loss for the week is really low. One week I only lost .8, the following week I lost .6. Last week I ate all my daily points and some of the weekly points and lost 5.8.