Thursday Thursday Thursday!

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  • Here we go!
  • Things have been so hectic I have not read the boards in a couple days.

    I pretty much fell off the wagon for the last couple couple weeks. I was having tons of cravings and eating too many snacks and meals out. But, I am back on again and doing well. Actually, I had a great yesterday and I am going to do just as well today. I think I can mend most of the damage done by Saturday. We will see!

    I missed weigh in last Saturday because I got stuck at work. So I am anxious to see where I am this week. I would be happy with the same as two weeks ago, but down would be great!

    I would love to break the 200 pound mark before I have to buy a wedding dress. I am planning on dress shopping in May. That is a very realistic goal if I just stick to the plan!!! 30 lbs in 6 months....5 lb a month. Very attainable! I think that is what I am shooting for!
  • Hey girls meant to post last night but spent the night elsehwere Ahem
    I have soo much good nf gossip but its going to have to wait till LAter b/c I ahve just finished my assignment and i ahve to hit the showers fast
    Love Kier
  • PS Belle Thanksgiving is the 3rd week in November just to make it nice and fair we could do under 2 by dec 1?
    ARG TIMEs slipping away
  • Hello, everyone! Sorry I haven't been around much, it's been quite a week and I'm having some serious boy troubles.

    I was up .6 at last week's WI, tonight I'm hoping to be down at least a little bit. I'm not getting any closer to my 40 lb goal for the Now til November Challenge, but there's a lot going on right now.

    This weekend, I'll be travelling to Kansas City to do some training for Close to My Heart and I'm sure there'll be plenty of eating going on. So I probably won't get any closer. Sigh...

    I'm not much of a conversationalist lately, sorry I'm such a bump on a log.
  • Thanksgiving is Nov. 28 this year. I have a calendar in front of me.

    Kier... we need the gossip, so come back soon!

    Marcie, glad you are back on the wagon. You can easily lose the weight before next spring. Just stick your mind to it. 5 pounds a month is a good goal. I usually lose about that a month and I am a very slow loser!!

    My back is gradually feeling better, but it still aches. Ughhhh... I am trying to limit the things I pick up, including Emma, just to make it feel better. I have been really tired lately too and feel like I accomplish NOTHING. It really sucks!

    Well, I have a meeting this morning, so more later!
  • Thursday
    Yay, almost Friday!

    Kier - OK lets set our goal for Dec 1. Laura - did you wanna join us (but of course yours is for your goal weight) in the challenge?? There is strength in #'s! Kier, come back and tell us about your "ahem" night! Enquiring minds wanna know.

    Marcie - that is totally attainable and it will keep you motivated thinking of that dress! But don't be discouraged if you get down 20 or something else - any loss is a good loss!!

    Jess - sorry to hear you are bogged down - I can totally relate with you. Sometimes when life kicks in there isn't enough time to spend worrying about WW, etc. Just do your best as it comes and try not to obsess about it.

    Well, I have been thinking seriously about taking my masters and I think I am going to go for it. For an MCS (coms studies) I need at least 3 years experience (got it) and a degree (got it) with at least 3.0 (more than got it). So I think I am a good candidate. Plus, its not a thesis degree so I'll be more flexible. I have 2-6 years to complete it, but I am sure I'll need 3 years or maybe 4 years, part time. I am trying to see how much the company will pay (hopefully 50% or more) before I apply, but I think this is a good thing - by the time I get it I"ll be considered an "intermediate" communicator and then I can move up the ranks (makes me much more employable too!).

    I miss school!!

    I am making that Veggie bake tonight! I have been craving it since I heard about it. We've had no groceries so its time to get some in teh house and start cooking!!

    I am in my 4th day OP - I was at 27 points yesterday and 2 activity points - but did not get to gym. Today I won't either, or tomorrow due to meetings and lunch dates, but b/f and i are gong on the weekend - he wants to try out my new gym and maybe join!

    Well, back towork - have a good OP day girls! BBL
  • Marcie - 5lb's per month is attainable if you work the program diligently.

    Kier - COME BACK!!! No fair dropping a gossip bombshell and walking off. Spill girl.........

    Jess - If you want to keep your private life private, that's cool but if you need to vent, remember that we have broad shoulders.

    JenL - It must be frustrating to be too tired to get everything on the To Do list done. Just remember that taking care of you and the new baby is at the top of the To Do list.

    Belle - Yes - I want to join in your 2 under by Dec. 1st goal. And it certainly can't hurt to do some serious research into getting your Masters. Any news on Carmen?

    Well, I wasn't able to get my pumpkin last night because the place was closed. CB felt so bad that I was disappointed (even though not his fault) the he has committed to doing it Sunday.

    Later, Laura
  • Hi Jen - I can totally relate to the back too - but PG must be a big pain in the..well....back. I hope you feel better!

    Laura - woo hoo - lets really do this girls! Its so nice to have buddies, eh?

    Carmen Update - I do have news!! Carmen came off her last medicine, the one that keeps that valve open that usually closes after 3 days (Lori will remember the name of it maybe). She came off at 1pm yesterday. If she does good for 3 days, she'll come off the respirator. If she is still doing well, she may come home for a few months to 2 years before surgery, but if she isn't, she'll need a shunt, pallative surgery, to keep her doing OK until she is big enough to reconstruct her valve. So really we are playing the waiting/praying game. She is not strong enough for the reconstructoin now- very low success rate in infants. So we must wait and see what the little schmoo can handle.

    Thanks for asking, Laura...
  • Hey everyone! So the weather here is icky iand not conducive to exercise at all. Fortunately I have to get some stamps this afternoon and also see about getting my camera fixed so that will be a nice little automatic walk. Eating is pretty good so far today, I had oatmeal and fruit for breakfast. Yesterday was going sooooo well until I had an ice cream around 9 o'clock. I have got to limit after dinner snacking because it will surely be my downfall! I have been managing to distract myself with knitting quite a bit (can't eat and hold two needles at the same time!), but I have seriously got to try harder! Things have been sort of stressful lately. I decided to do an honors thesis and right now it's going nowhere and I have two different advisors who seem to have totally different ideas of where my work should be going and it's a mess. Grrrr.

    Marcie- 5lbs a month is doable, but you have to stick with it! We're here for you!

    Kier- Spill on NF! I'm dying to know! Hope you're finished up with all your papers/exams and things are a little less hectic now.

    Jess- Have fun in Kansas City I bet you can come up with a way to make it a relatively OP weekend

    Jen-L- Sorry to hear you are still feeling crummy. I hope things perk up soon.

    Belle- Sounds like Carmen is doing better. And good for you for thinking about going for the Master's. I've been trying to decide whether I want to go straight to grad school or maybe start working for a working first. Depends on whether I can get in, I guess But you sound like a good candidate and I'm sure you can get your employer to swing for a chunk of it.

    Laura- I really want to go carve a pumpkin now. The lab I intern at is near a produce stand, so maybe I'll go get one tomorrow after I finish up. And I really want to roast some pumpkin seeds....mmmmmm.
  • Belle - I'm keeping Carmen in my thoughts and my fingers crossed.

    Cat - I'll bet having 2 advisors is as bad as having 2 bosses with diffrerent priorities.

    I just found out that I have to do my self review for work today. Ugh! I hate this part of the performance review process. My boss never sat down with me and outlined goals so I don't really have anything to measure my performance against. Yuck!
  • Laura - I am going through the exact same thing right now. No goals, no previous feedback, nothing. I hate self evaluation forms when you don't have any benchmark. Plus, my boss hates me, so this should be really fun....I feel your pain.

    Cat - its cold here too, no outside running....what are you studying? What would you get your masters in?

    Well, must get going, sooooo much work!?

    I know I've said this MANY times, but thank you all agian for your continued support, prayers, crossed fingers and well wishes for Carmen. I am sure someone up there is listening.

  • OK, when you are PG you have the utilize the restroom a lot. So what happens.... long meeting and too much water. I nearly exploded!!!! And I had the crummy chair, so my poor back. But I am back in my office in my Herman Miller chair!! Sorry to be the resident complainer!!

    Jess, we are hear for you if you need to vent. Sometimes venting on-line is much easier because you know we won't judge you like friends and co-workers can that see you all the time!!

    Belle, good Carmen news! Her name is growing on me. I like it! I used to know a male Carmen so it took me a bit to get used to it!

    Oh, a co-workers neice's house burned down yesterday and she has 5 kids. Just had a baby the end of Sept. How sad. I told her I would dig through some old Emma clothes and get her some to give her. I get all emotional when things like this happen, and even more now that I am PG. I also told her to find out the family's sizes and we can post the info to the other staff in case they want to donate. I am the office coordinator for everything. I like functions!!
  • oh it's already so busy this morning.
    Marcie - totally doable - you'll do a great job!
    Kier - hope you enjoyed your evening - wherever it was...
    Hey Jess - .6 is nothing, don't sweat it.
    Jen - Have you told work about the baby yet? Up here we have year long maternity leave so when people get pregnant they're gone for a while and not all companies are very happy about it.
    Belle - You should totally do it! You can't go wrong with education. And if you enjoy school - so much the better.
    Laura - Are you designing your own pumpkin or are you using a pattern? some of the patterns are really cool
    Cat - I have been horrible about nighttime snacking - let me know if you figure out a way to limit it - I'd be all over that.

    OK - so not doing too well WW wise - eating out and snacking all over the place - I have got to start going to meetings again but I'm afraid of how high the scale may have gotten - I really need to get back to the gym and stop with the treats - it's like - Oh, tomorrow I'll start or maybe the next day - it's been going on for 2 weeks - Arrgh - OK now I'm done whining - I should get doing.
  • KT, yup work knows. Most have known for awhile because I am related to 1/2 of them (hubby works here too). There are 11 of us that work here at the moment (normally 12-13, so we are a small company). And because we are a small company, we don't get all the wonderful state laws that pertain to large companies. So I can only take up to 6 weeks off and still be guaranteed a job. But like I said, it is family, so I am lucky to get some flexability. With Emma, I brought her to work with me for 3-4 weeks after my leave, until daycare was able to take her. I was also able to take some 1/2 days right after I came back to help ease me in. Oh and 1/2 days right before I had here because I was having problems making it the whole day. So I get perks that some people don't.