
  • I fit into all my "skinny" pants from High School (with a lot of room to spare actually) and promptly threw them in the Good Will pile. OHHH my unflattering . I'll be happy to not cart those all over the world with me any longer . Feels so good to get past and let go!
  • Congrats! That must be an awesome feeling to know you've come so far!
  • Woohoo!! That is SO awesome for you!
  • That's awesome!!! Way to go!
  • WAHOO! I hear this story, big-time. There was this pair of red corduroy pants that moved four times with me, always living up on a shelf in my closet. They finally fit me (weight-wise!) back in June, and guess what? They were shockingly unflattering: slightly too short at the ankle AND the waist, camel toe issues, sagging on my butt...

    Kind of anti-climactic, right? My roommate asked if she could have them--she's shorter than me and they fit her well--but I decided I couldn't stand to look at them on someone else, the reminder would be too fraught, and gave 'em to Goodwill. Never felt better than ditching those things.
  • Congrats! It happened to me, too. My FAVORITE jeans that I was so excited to fit in again suddenly became a reminder of my questionable fashion sense in high school. lol
  • LOL it's so true!!! One pair was HUGE in the butt, too high cut, too short. One was rediculously flared.... the other was a LIGHT wash denim. Not flattering at all!
  • LOL! This thead makes me want to lose the weight just to see myself in my old jeans. How quickly fashion changes!!!