set back but not defeated!

  • hey guys
    just needed to voice my disappointment. i'd been running (doing podrunner intervals, got all the way to w6d1!!) without any issues, started feeling some pain in my ankle thought it was just that i wasn't stretching enough so before w6d2 i stretched really well, started running and yeah BAD IDEA. i had to stop after 1.5mi and could barely walk so for the last 2wks i've been unable to run or do any cardio (only strength) just when i felt like i was hitting my stride!! and not to mention half way to my xmas goal. i wanted to ride my bike to the hosp b/c riding is less stress on my ankle but i'm sooo tired that i never wake up early know there's nothing i can do (it's standard peroneal tendonitis so RICE is about it) but i'm just a little bummed....thanks for listening!
  • I'm sorry, I hope you're back to 100% soon