Big Girl do P90x?

  • Hi! So my husband and I are losing weight (of course him faster than me) and wanting to look into some videos we could do together. He is really intersted in P90x because he wants the muscle definition and such. He is losing weight so fast, he'll be at a decent weight by the time we are ready to start something.

    Me on the other hand... I'm a big girl, about 290. The scale is going down, but not as fast as my husband. I'm wondering if anyone knows if it is just "too much" for a larger person to handle. I don't have any health conditions (heart or joint issue), but I'm scared of starting it then failing misserably.

    Any bigger people do P90x?

    All of the people I see here discussing it, and the commercials are people that aren't quite as big. So I just thought I'd ask for some insight.

  • Luckie,

    I am a bigger girl doing P90X. I am on week 9 of the lean program (for maximum weight loss.) I totally recommend it. I love the program.

    My experience:

    I started the program at 205 lbs and have lost at 24.5 lbs so far. I am down from a size 16 to a baggy 12 already. I do not look 180 lbs. I couldn't do alot of the moves, like push ups and chin-ups when I started, but now I can do 25-30 push-ups. I struggle with the Yoga the most, but supplement with walking 4-6 miles 4 times a week. I don't follow the nutrition plan because it isn't sustainable. I just calorie count and make sure to get enough protien. I plan on doing two rounds at least. I really enjoy it.

    To get the max results, follow the program. But if you only do 3, 4 or 5 of the workouts a week, you are still gonna get results. You are still exercising and doing your body good. Don't get jacked up about numbers or perfection. You just do your best, do the moves that challege you but aren't going to injure you, and forget the rest. Obviously you are not going to be able to do 25 chin-ups the first week (I still can't do one), or even when you finish the program. Set realistic goals. Like working your way up to 10 push-ups by the end. It is a great way to get a full body workout. Don't worry about bulking up. Women don't produce enough testosterone to look like body-builders without crazy regimines and supplements.

    Know that beachbody doesn't make a ton from the workout dvds themselves. They make money selling crazy equipment, nutritional supplements, recovery drinks, etc. They plug those every dvd. You don't need them. Just have a healthy diet with lean protien and calcium. I take a one-a-day.

    Doing a program that includes lots of weight training and core exercises is great for someone with lots to lose. It makes you lean and toned underneath. It makes you look like you weigh 10-20 lbs less than what you do. It helps prevent or minimize saggy skin because you are losing weight quickly, but not so quickly that you skin can't keep up. The skin has something to attach to, muscle, so you don't get the "skinny-fat" thing at the end. Or even in the middle. Also, it helps you prevent injuries, get stronger, ect.

    Make accomodations for yourself. I do almost all the push-ups on my knees. I use 12bs weights as "push-up" bars to keep my wrists straight. My wrists are weak and hurt if I do push-ups unassisted.

    Don't compete with your husband. Men's metabolisms are different. They lose weight and bulk up much easier. Men crap and lose 3-5 lbs. Focus on you and what you are comfortable with.

    This is really too long I am sure, but I totally encourage you to try it. I am not a beachbody coach, but someone that is doing it for myself and like the results. Let me know if you have any more questions.
  • Thank you Leopardspots!! I know it would help no matter what, because it is a workout. I was just afraid that maybe I was too big for it now, since I hadn't seen or heard of anyone with more than 30 or 40 lbs to lose TOTAL. I kind of see that as finishing and toning up. I wasn't sure if I could handle it with needing to lose so much.

    I really appreciate your information, and experience! I am more encouraged to give it a try. I'm not competing with my husband, but I just want something we can do together. We're more accountable to each other that way.

    Thank you!
  • well said leopard, i would like to also add that p90x gives you alternative exercises also, for example if you cant do pullups they show you how to do a similar move with resistance bands until you can work up to pullups
  • Luckie,

    I'm glad that you found that useful. I forgot to mention that I am 26 and have no real health issues so thats why I chose to do it. I think you are capable of doing it. Just stick with it and try. I didn't mean to assume that you were completing with your husband from your post. That is something I am guilty of. It can be frustrating when guys get faster results than women.


    I agree. I do use resistance bands instead of the pull-ups for now.
  • I did P90x for 60 days and it wasn't so much of a weight loss program for me as it was a toning up program. I didn't follow the diet exactly, but I did weight watchers while I was on it. I had much more definition in my muscles and at the beginning it was definitely tough, but it gets easier with time.

    Good luck!