Raw vegetarian diet calorie composition?

  • I'm on my first day of a mostly* raw vegetarian diet.

    I have: almonds, sunflower seeds, apples, nectarines, bananas, celery, and carrots. (I'll add more variety later -- I'm just getting started!)

    But I'm kinda confused about how to balance all of these into a healthy diet. Specifically, what percent of my calories should come from "protein and unsaturated fat" foods (almonds and sunflower seeds) and what percent from "fruits and veggies". 50/50? 25/75? 75/25?

    * I am soooo not giving up having a splash of real milk in my tea. And my almonds are roasted 'cuz raw ones are too hard to chew!
  • I eat raw almonds but most raw foodists soak their nuts before eating them. There are various percentages, one popular low fat raw diet is 80/10/10 which means 80% carbs, 10% fat and 10% protein. Most raw foodists I think tend to be somewhere around 50% fat, and around 10% protein/40% fat.