Maintainers Weekly Chat Aug 30 - Sept 5

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  • Let the week begin.

    It would seem like tomatoes would never make it to a thread with September in its title, but I'm still harvesting bunches. And the plants are still loaded! There's plenty of time before we have to start the winter squash thread, LOL.

    I added fish sauce to some stir fry chicken and veggies for the first time - expecting fireworks and taste sensations. Nothing much happened. hmmm . . . maybe you have to use more that a few teaspoons. Any tips from experienced fish sauce users?
  • Good Morning All!
    I still have some green tomatoes on my 3 vines. It's hot and sunny here all week so I'm hoping a couple of them will ripen, even though I have been a bad gardener and have largely abandoned watering them.

    Dh and I have the funeral viewing (no food) tonite and the funeral (reception with lunch) tomorrow. I don't foresee any problems for myself re food there.

    DH "officially" starts "starving" (his diet plan) today. I am trying to dissuade him from this and convince him to give up snacking in the evening and go for a long walk instead.

    He has agreed to see my doctor and I went and talked to the doctor to make sure he agreed to take DH on as a patient. I really like my doctor and I hope DH does ok with him.

    Got to go. I have to wake DH up early today and I want to get a yoga workout in before that.

    Great week all!

  • fish sauce
    I think this condiment is a very subtle one. I've used it at restaurants in pho (Vietnamese soup) and it tends to intensify what's already there, rather than adding a distinct flavour of its own. Ditto my stir frys at home.

  • Good morning everyone!

    Bill - I wish I had tomatoes... I kept meaning to plant them and never got around to it, and now it is September... I've used fish sauce, and found it didn't make much difference in small doses for me either.

    Dagmar - I'm sorry for your loss sweetie. And I hope you are able to swing DH to a slightly more rational approach to his diet and exercise.

    I had a serious blow out food weekend. No regrets, but this week is now all about recovery and water. WC conference this afternoon and all day tomorrow, so food should be easy there.

    Good day everyone!
  • Good morning!

    So is Meg still in New Mexico with her family? Not that I don't appreciate you starting the thread, Bill. Just wondering.

    Bill, I'd try some nice curry paste or some Thai chili sauce if you want some heat.

    Dagmar, the newspaper had an article saying that people who ate breakfast lost more weight than people who don't. But it's hard to explain that to someone who is set on starving himself. Hope he gets to see your doc.

    Shannon, yup, today's the start of a new week. What is a WC conference? All I can think of is the British WC, and I'm sure it's not that.

    Anyone see the Emmy's? A hometown boy won best supporting actor in a drama. He went to my kids' H.S. My DD said she met him. She remembers he was wearing Austin Powers teeth and acting dumb. It's so often the geeky, weirdos who become famous.

    I canned three quarts of tomatoes on Saturday with no jars breaking or leaking. Actually, golf ball size tomatoes pack into the jars really well so I shouldn't complain about how small the tomatoes are.

    My elliptical arrives today. I bought a used Precor. My gym membership stops on the 1st. I can pick it up anytime I want, but I'm looking forward to working out at home whenever I want and continuing with my trainer once a week. Luckily, I get that reimbursed from my flexible spending account.

    Happy Monday, everyone!
  • Good morning! I had a nice workout this morning after a very restful weekend. We did absolutely nothing--except trips to 3 different grocery stores on Saturday.

    I made a huge batch of pasta sauce--loaded with veggies to which DS turned up his nose. He ate the zucchini bites, but not the tomatoes, onions or peppers. So when I serve it as leftovers, I'm going to puree it so he doesn't know! LOL

    Okay, so here's the bad stuff. My doctor's appointment is on Wednesday. I had set out to lose 5, perhaps 10, pounds prior to going and what happened? I gained 3. I have done nothing different...perhaps this is the beginning of menopause? IDK, all I know is that I feel fat and frumpy this morning and I don't relish what he's going to say to me on Wednesday.
  • Sheila - WC = Workers Compensation, more specifically this conference is sponsored by the State Board of Worker's Compensation, so it is likely to be a little dry. Though they are serving lots of snacks, and have cocktail receptions every afternoon.

    Allison - sorry you aren't feeling your best today. Is this the doctor who wanted you to cut out the grains?
  • Sheila, you will love having a good elliptical at home. It's so convenient to just jump on it when the time is right. I've never regretted spending the extra $$$ to get a good one.

    Allison, love the idea of pureeing the sauce for your DS. Moms are so creative, aren't we.

    Bill, fishies are meant to be swam with, not eat, so I have no ideas on fish sauce.

    Shannon, WC is boring. Perhaps a wireless friendly device can keep you entertained...

    I had a productive weekend and stayed on plan. I'm seeing progress (occasionally) on my scale. General direction is back to the double yellow line that I crossed on my journey. Once back on the right side of the road, I will be staying on the same road so that I don't near it again.

    I also have an open window (not literally, just naked) for a new piece of stained glass. So I worked on a pattern of 4 sled dogs pulling a sled. So it's going to be my 4 huskies pulling me. They do every morning but I'm not on a sled. Close enough to reality. It'll be 55" wide. It truly looks gigantic.
  • Funeral day today. Last night's visitation was not what I expected and it was totally OK.

    I think, due to the length of the deceased's illness, that her family did a lot of their grieving before she died. I don't think there will be that many tears today at the service.

    It will be a remembering of a long life very well lived, rather than a mourning for the end of a life.

  • Good morning. Day two of my conference, and watching the other attendees is in some cases more interesting than the material being presented. Hehe.

    Dagmar - I lost a family member after a long illness and saw the same thing. The memorial was much less about grieving and more about celebrating. It was a wonderful tribute.

    Marie - glad you are getting back on the right side of the road.

    Good day everyone!
  • Good morning everyone. I'm late to the thread this week but it looks like many others are too.

    Super busy week but I want to check in to stay accountable. My weight continues to be up for no apparent reason after I maintained it so well for about 2 years. I'm wondering if it is my thyroid or it could be a million other things. Dh left for Europe for 2 weeks so I'm going to be extra good foodwise and at the gym and see if I can make a dent in the extra 5 pounds that are hanging on.

    Dd was home for literally 12 hours over the weekend before she and dh left to bring her back to college. We left her with a truck so it feels like she is so much more independent now (and she's in an apartment, has a part-time job, etc). Sigh... I remember when she and I both had separation anxiety when she started preschool-- it was not pretty!

    I started my last class yesterday for my masters so I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. The class looks relatively fun but a lot of work and I also have to complete a portfolio this semester too.

    Gotta run-- I'll check in later!
  • Hello Maintainers!

    ~Whew!~ Back from vacation and back to school all in the space of a couple days. DD#1 started 1st grade and DD#2 is now an official kindergartener. We have full-day kindergarten here so I drop them at 8:45 and don't see them again until 3:05. Hard to believe! I still have the little guy at home (20 months old today!) and, in the words of a wise woman I met at Toys R Us, "You're only as free as your youngest child."

    Free enough, though, to haul him up to the far-away Whole Foods to get some Arctic Zero. Pretty good, especially for 35 calories. I tried the vanilla and found it much improved with a sprinkle of cinnamon. Definitely my treat of choice if I'm feeling like I need to eat an entire pint of something.

    I feel like I ate entire pints of everything while on vacation. I left weighing 121; returned at 124.4 Now I'm back to 123 and hopefully will get rid of another pound or two over the next couple weeks.

    I found a dog I love. I know we shouldn't adopt him but I'm thinking about fostering him. DH hasn't said "No" because he's treating me like a grownup and letting me make the decision, but I know he thinks it's a bad idea. He's just such a cute dog and the rescue that has him has been boarding him for a while... I know he'd be happier in a home... ~sigh~ I miss dogs.

    Sheila, so jealous about your new elliptical! Did you buy it used online? I would love to have a cool piece of equipment but I'm not sure where I'd put it. Maybe in the dining room -- at least then that room would get some use!

    Marie, that sounds like an amazing stained glass window! Please post pics when you are done!

    Michele, what is your masters in? I think I will go back to school when DS is in school...
  • Amy re fostering the dog. While this is a necessary and very worthwhile thing to do, IMHO imagine how your 3 small children will feel when told "their dog" (kids tend to take to pets immediately) has now found another home. Best to wait and then get your own dog - maybe from a rescue?

    So we went to the funeral and it was sad but not unbearably so. The reception was right after the service and no alcohol was served - I had a diet cola. The food was mediocre at best so I had what amounted to 1/2 a sandwich and some carrot sticks and fruit pieces.

    I know I will feel sad for a few days but this was a woman who lived a good life. I keep reminding myself that she didn't sit home alone eating to console herself. She went out and lived life. I will do well to follow that example, starting with taking DH for a walk tonite, instead of drowning our sorrows in ice cream.

    Great evening all!

  • Amy-- sounds like you did great maintaining on vacation!

    My masters is in Library Science. I am an elementary school librarian. I didn't finish my degree when I started and took classes for many years to finish my bachelors. Now that I've almost completed my masters (with hopefully a 4.0 GPA), I'm quite proud of myself. My mom always wanted to see me complete my education and unfortunately she didn't live to see it complete, but she knew I was on my way and would get there.
  • Good morning all! DH and I went for our walk last night and then each had a cup of green grapes as a snack.

    I think he's serious - not having any clothes fit him, except at the "fat guy's store" seems to have given him the additional motivation he needs to finally drop the weight.

    Great hump day all!
