Missing some of our friends

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  • Quote: I'm only halfway to goal and I already feel the "read that already. Five times last month..." deja vu the long time maintainers mention here.

    I hope, despite burn-out, they still check in periodically. So many newbies here post once or twice and then disappear. Plus the perpetual "today is the day!" folks. But all of us were new once an dmost of us had at least one false start - for me, seeing the long term maintainers in the 100 Club made a HUGE difference. Hearing these experienced people repeat the "eat less, exercise more, track track track!" manta was very important to me. I wouldn't be where I am right now without the very folks who probably least need the site now.

    For the sake of others who have yet to finally "get it" I hope the experienced people don't disappear entirely. Each encouraging post might just be the one that makes all the difference in the life of another fat chick.
    Uh, yeah...a few false starts beneath this belt!! That's why I worry about those who disappear. I know me!
  • As I mentioned before, I participated avidly in another forum for several years-- it was the same kind of thing.

    People who shared an "impossible dream"... one by one many of the people beat the odds and succeeded, and we shared our thrills and triumphs along the way, and then after a while, people stopped showing up, and the discussions no longer seemed so stimulating to me, and except for my few friends that I knew professionally outside of the forum, I lost touch with the others.

    And now, I hardly ever check that forum, because I've seen every question a million times and etc. It's the nature of the beast.

    But, it is sort of an intriguing problem, because obviously, in my case, I've achieved two things that many people consider well nigh unto impossible, losing over a hundred pounds and another very long shot professional challenge. And both times I am pretty darn sure that I would not have succeeded without access to a forum of like-minded (like obsessed) people.

    It can be a very powerful thing.
  • Quote: JayEll wrote:

    I think I hit this stage about a month ago. I think of it as my misanthropic stage: Skimming the new posts, feeling like I'd seen a lot of them before, and sometimes even believing they'd been bumped out of retirement -- but no, it was just a flock of 3FC Freshmen, asking the same questions.

    Maybe we need a Trying to Get the Feeling Again forum, dedicated to the jaded & the forum-weary. It will include a challenge: To stump the regulars by asking a completely new exercise or diet question. If you manage it, you get a prize.

    The fifty-millionth post asking about how to drink all of one's required water in a single day isn't what keeps me posting here.
    This. For real. I get BORED easily and I'm bored (I'm sorry!!!!!!) Because I am practicing maintenance (and doing well at it) I just don't have the interest right now. I need to GET IT BACK but I just don't have it.

    So I'm active elsewhere but I just am not that active here anymore... I'm trying to be though!
  • I am in a between stage now. I have lost a lot of weight but still have a lot to lose. The process is a routine now. There are times that I also get bored with the same questions. Then I try to remember asking those questions myself. I wonder where I would be now if the maintainers like Robin and Lori had not hung around? I think this site is so helpful because those who have succeeded hang around and offer a helping hand to those still working this out. Seeing that others had succeeded really helped me know that it is possible to lose weight, even large amounts of weight.
  • Quote: I am in a between stage now. I have lost a lot of weight but still have a lot to lose. The process is a routine now. There are times that I also get bored with the same questions. Then I try to remember asking those questions myself. I wonder where I would be now if the maintainers like Robin and Lori had not hung around? I think this site is so helpful because those who have succeeded hang around and offer a helping hand to those still working this out. Seeing that others had succeeded really helped me know that it is possible to lose weight, even large amounts of weight.
  • Quote:
    Maybe we need a Trying to Get the Feeling Again forum, dedicated to the jaded & the forum-weary. It will include a challenge: To stump the regulars by asking a completely new exercise or diet question. If you manage it, you get a prize.
    I can offer coupons for a free pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream as prizes! Or would that be sending a really mixed message....
  • Quote: I can offer coupons for a free pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream as prizes! Or would that be sending a really mixed message....
  • Even those of us who haven't lost the weight get bored too. I've read all the same things and they don't do it for me anymore. I'm trying to find other ways to get going again but it's hard and I still check in because maybe there will be something new that will get me thinking again.
  • Quote:
    for me, seeing the long term maintainers in the 100 Club made a HUGE difference. Hearing these experienced people repeat the "eat less, exercise more, track track track!" manta was very important to me. I wouldn't be where I am right now without the very folks who probably least need the site now.

    For the sake of others who have yet to finally "get it" I hope the experienced people don't disappear entirely. Each encouraging post might just be the one that makes all the difference in the life of another fat chick.
    Exactly! There have been so many times where I am having a rough time and read something from a maintainer, then I get myself back on track. So Thank You for being here!
  • I agree....

    It's easy for me to get the sense that I'm out there drifting, but coming here keeps me grounded.

    Cheryl, I know what you mean. I've been at this for over a year now and it does start to seem routine, but I constantly remind myself that one year of good habits is competing against 30 years of horrible bad habits.

    I can't kid myself. It would not be hard for me to slip back to that place, especially at a time like now when there is so much else going on in my life.
  • Quote: Even those of us who haven't lost the weight get bored too. I've read all the same things and they don't do it for me anymore. I'm trying to find other ways to get going again but it's hard and I still check in because maybe there will be something new that will get me thinking again.
    I agree. I've been a member here since before we moved to the "new" server in 1999, and I tend to be active in reading/posting for 6-8 months, then disappear for a while, then come back. I absolutely agree with other posters that the continued participation and encouragement from long-time maintainers is the main reason I keep coming back here. THere is HOPE here!

    What I'm trying to do this time is to focus on specific types of questions, and post answers to those. Carbs and cholesterol, for instance. Or how often to weigh. Then next month, focus on another topic. THat way, I'm still participating, but not getting burned out by feeling like I have to answer EVERYTHING.
  • What a fascinating thread. I've also got a bit of 3FC ennui going, but watching other folks make progress, is important and checking in with the maintainers is good for me too.

    It takes a bit longer to feel connected with some of the newer folks, too, since I'm not tied in to 3FC quite as tightly as I was 9 months ago.
  • I felt really bad when Lilybelle stopped posting. I think maybe she passed away because she was very sick with liver disease but she always said someone would post if something happened and I never saw it if they did.