What do you do with your clothes?

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  • I have dropped a jean size (18 to 16), but I can still wear one of my 18's which was always a little tight.

    I don't know if I should give away my other 18's or hang on to them just in case?? I am having a hard time thinking of getting rid of them all together. I also have some very huge nightgowns as well.

    When did you decide to kiss those bigger sizes good bye? Maybe I will feel more comfortable getting rid of the 18's when I am in 14's??
  • It took me awhile to start getting rid of things. I got rid of the 26/28, 24, 22, and 20s all at the same time (sold on craigslist for CHEAP... and let me tell you, it is very emotional seeing people who are the size I used to be coming to take those clothes). Lately I am more comfortable with it and I am now wearing 14s and 16s and already got rid of the 18s.
  • If you can't wear them then it's probably time to part with them. Why keep them right? I decided to give mine to a woman's shelter since plus sized clothes are so ridiculously expensive. That part felt awesome. It was kind of sad with the memories but I've made new ones in the small clothes too.
  • I got rid of all my 26's and 24's!! I was excited to do it because I know I am not going back to those sizes. I have no emotional attachment to clothes so it was easy for me. Just see it as part of your journey and keep one pair of your largest size for some before and after shots. I kept ONE of my 26's because I look forward to the day when I'll be able to stand in one of the legs and take that after photo!!
  • My mother is the worst hoarder I know, so even if I try to throw things out, she will squirrel them away somewhere. I haven't faced the point where I've had clothes that are too big and had to get rid of them - though I am *almost* at the point where the jeans I'm currently wearing are too big. I think I'll be happy to get rid of them, though I doubt I'll be able to sell them - since I'm so short I've had them altered - I really doubt there is anyone quite as short/fat as me in New Zealand!
    I am also worried that if I get to the point where there are clothes that are clearly too big, I'll be too scared to get rid of them *just in case* something happens and I fail. I'm not saying that to be negative, I do plan on losing and keeping it all off.. but I always have that niggling voice saying "just in case, just in case".
    On the plus side, I have jeans in a size smaller than what I am, and 2 sizes smaller, so hopefully won't have to buy any on the journey until I reach my goal! Or maybe one more pair in the meantime..
  • There is definitely a level of commitment involved in getting rid of the too big clothes. It's like you're really admitting to yourself that you are losing weight and never going back.

    This past weekend I sorted through my autumn/winter clothes and discovered that none of it fits anymore. It's very scarey to think of discarding an entire season's worth of clothing!
  • I plan to donate them, as of now I am keeping them in a storage box in my garage. I know they are there, but I also have jeans that dont fit me (too small) in the same box. So when I go to check on them I can see how far I have come, and how far I still have to go. I dream of being a 16, if I ever reach 14 I think I might pass out!! LOL
  • I have given away most of my larger clothes. HOWEVER... I have kept a pair of jeans that I got on my 24th birthday that I couldnt get on at the time... (I WAS SO UPSET). Now, I put them on just to watch them fall off every now and then.... it gives me motivation and shows me how far I have come.
  • I just got rid of ALL of my fat clothes at once last week. It was probably the most inspiring, overwhelming and surreal moment of this entire weight loss journey...I mean that.

    I didn't realize that more than half of the clothes I owned were way too big until I started pulling things off hangers, trying them on, yanking them out of drawers and stuffing them into the big trash bag. I kept looking at the bag like...seriously?? Most of the clothes were not in good enough condition to pass on to anyone else or donate...I had absolutely worn them ragged.

    I filled the trash bag until it was about to burst (it was a lawn trash bag) and then lugged it all out to the trash can. It was filled with size 18s, 16s and 12s...XXL and XL shirts, DDD bras and 18/20 and 14/16 panties and it felt darn good to bid each and every article of clothing farewell.

    I think it's an important and motivating step. Whether you donate them, give them to a friend, use them as rags or just throw them out, I don't think you should keep clothes from your bigger days hanging around too long!

    (That was long for a repsonse, sorry!)
  • Hanging onto clothes that are too big only means you have doubts about your ability to be successful. Get rid of the clothes and have a more positive attitude.
  • For the most part.

    Sell old stuff that no longer fits on ebay. Buy clothes that do fit on ebay. It's pretty much a wash then.

    I will treat myself and buy clothes every now and then, but lots is used from ebay
  • I got rid of everything from last Winter. It was a way to tell myself there is no going back. I sold the whole box for a cheap price. I need an ENTIRE winter wardrobe this year. I have absolutely nothing, not even socks! I am going to try to pick up some cheap wardrobe fillers from good used stores because I plan to be a bit smaller next winter and will probably have to give all of these away too.
  • I got rid of almost all my 3XL and 2XL shirts at the beginning of the summer and said good-bye to almost all of my 24's then, too. I donated them, I had some rather nice clothes actually and if I learned anything being that size it was that it's hard to find some cute clothes at places like GoodWill or stores such as.
    I'm keeping a few things for my own sake. Whenever I feel down I put on my old pants and I realize just how far I have come.
  • I tend not to buy too many bottoms. I am always "I will buy clothes when I lose weight". And then I wear them until the are worn through and toss them! Anything too big GOES. Get it OUT! Off to the dump or donated.

    I have a lot of clothes I am hoping to lose to fit INTO. Though, I do keep around some "fat pants". My stretchy, comfy, yoga-type pants for lounging in the evenings or weekends. But I even had to throw away some of my fat fat pants! I had some sweats I bought at 250 lbs. They have been too big for a long time. I finally ditched them in the trash. They were stained from paints (I like to do crafts!) and one pair I burnt a hole in... Lol!
  • I got rid of them all.
    My mother likes to keep them all but I just told her "you can keep them for you and for whoever but don't ever put them again on my shelf". So in the end, she just gives them away to my cousin or throw them out. There are some very nice pieces but I always think to myself that I will always buy prettier one so why have to keep what I don't wear anymore.