I have no clue !

  • Hello all !

    I am new to the site and desperately looking for support and advice. I am 33 years old, I have two kids. I suffer from PCOS which has made my weight gain and loss quite a battle. I currently weigh 220 lbs, down from 245 earlier in the year, but way up from my weight of 135 from before I had my first child. I am a whopping 5'2 and I am so sick of this weight, it is driving me crazy. I am out of breath, I'm embarassed to go places because I always feel not good enough or too fat to be around "regular" people, including my husband. It contributed to the breakdown of our marriage because I let my low self esteem and insecurity about how I look cause me to be jealous and clingy instead of motivating me to do something about it. I want to be able to run and play with my kids, I want to be healthy and yes I want to wear cute clothes again. I'm looking forward to any suggestions, and support, and new friendships that I can get that will help me with this struggle. My goal weight is 125 lbs. I know I can do it, but where in the heck do I begin ???? People please...any suggestions !!!!
  • Hi and welcome to 3FC.

    We have a PCOS section here if you would like to check it out - http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/pcos...ce-support-70/

    Good luck with your goals.

  • Welcome. I suggest you look for a Support Group or Challenge to join; a small group of friends to help keep you motivated, find one that inspires you or fits your needs, and just post to join.

    Congratulations on the weight you have lost already!
  • Hi KaramelKutie09,

    You CAN do it!! You absolutely can. And you're only 33, so that's so great. You still have some elasticity in your skin!
    I'm so sorry about your marriage. I can understand how that could happen. I kept myself single for so many years just not to deal with it.
    Sometimes I remind myself that at 230 pounds, I'm actually at some people's first goal weight. I never realized how many really heavy women are out there. And it reminded me that I can choose to feel pretty good right now, while I'm trying to get to the next level (for me that's under 200). Because sometimes I stall myself by thinking, if only I was already 190... it would be so much easier... blah blah. The things we do in our heads, right?
    Your kids are a great motivation. I have a 3 year old and I'm 45, so I really need to get healthy to keep up with her!

    Good luck to you and I hope I can offer you support on this journey.


  • Good luck.

  • Welcome! The PCOS August 2010 thread is here. Hope to see you!


  • Hi Ignite !
    Currently I have no workout or eating plan, the 20lbs I lost was due to stress, I wasn't eating at all. I have no idea what eating healthy or sensible looks like, in fact eating is a job for me, I don't eat breakfast, or lunch, and if I do eat dinner its usually late and often something I don't need. I don't snack much but if I do its usually something I will probably regret later. As for fluids, I drink water mostly, but not enough of it, but its about the only thing I drink, I occasionally drink sweet tea from Mcdonalds, about once or twice a week, other than that its water. Working out, I have not a clue, I can't get to a gym because I have a young child at home and I have no one to care for her, and I don't have gym equipment where I live, I am living with my parents right now. So I feel like I can't do anything because I don't have anything, or either whatever I could do won't be as effective so I don't even try. I want a six pack !!!! LOL, and toned arms and legs, I wanna be hotttt...smokin'''lol... so thats gonna take some hard core work, I don't know how to eat, what supplements to take if any, whether I should be using protein , or what kinds of workouts I can do with just my body weight that will get me those kinds of results...so since I don't like to do anything half way or feel like I am wasting my time, I do nothing...not very smart I know, but thats my mindset right now..Think you can do anything with that Christian... LOL
  • Welcome to 3FC, first thing I would do is load your child up in a stoller and start walking in your neighborhood, just get out and walk. Then start a food journal, don't set yourself on a diet but for 3 days log everything you eat, you will be amazed. Then start making meal menus/plans for you and your family that is healthy. That is a place to start