Met with Nutritionist

  • Hi everyone,

    I wanted to share what I was told from a nutritionist I met with today. I submitted a 3 day food diary and she printed out the nutrients versus recommended values for my height/weight. The basic recommendations I got weren't rocket science, but I thought I would share nonetheless.

    I eat about 1250 calories per day (according to my diary)--I aim for 1200-1300, and I try to eat 3 healthy meals and 2 snacks per day. I don't worry too much about eating artificial things, because I think it satiates my cravings for sweets, junk, etc. and I care more about that then being a bit hungrier for not eating something nutritious with those 200 calorie snacks. I also workout 6-9 hours per week (1 to 1 1/2 hours per day, most days). I weight 156 and am 5'6.

    The verdict was that I need to eat more calories because I am sabotaging my diet at this low of a caloric intake. She talked about the starvation mode idea and said that to lose 2 pounds a week I should eat 1400 calories or so. And, that I should cut out the junk as much as possible. She wasn't able to tell me that what type of calories I ate given the same number of overall calories would impact weight loss, but that it would influence overall nutrition and fullness (i.e. less cravings for sweet stuff and junk, less hunger).

    There are also a few nutrients I'm low on (calcium, Vitamin B, and Iron). And, I should eat a bit less protein and more complex carbs.

    That's about it! Hope this is informative to someone other than me.

  • Thanks for the info. I know I always want to eat a low amount of calories, but never seem to be able to get below 1400. This puts things in perspective. A little extra fuel to help push through the exercise.
    Your stats are great!
  • Thank you for posting. Our bodies are crazy and amazing machines.
  • Interesting info. I am the height as you and would like to be where you are right now. I've been keeping my calories at 1200-1300 but not losing too much. I suspected that I have not been eating enough calories....I'm playing with cycling to see if it makes a difference.
  • Diet change
    I started a nutrition class this week and she completely over hauled my menu and calorie intake. I was taking in about 1800 calories that was protein heavy. She changed my calorie intake to 2400 calories. She told me that I had to get more calories to lose weight. The biggest thing is the balance that my diet has now. Before I didn't have that many vegatables or dairy in my diet. She also influenced me to try to go organic in my milk, meats, and eggs. The biggest lose she told me would be in inches. I lost 3 inches in belly in four days, which I know is impossible to keep up but it was nice considering I had plateaued for almost 3 weeks in weightloss and inches lost.
  • I am totally going to a nutritionist now!
  • I'll keep you updated on if her plan works! I know that there are a million different "plans" out there, so who knows if the info she gave me will work for me (or you). I'm trying to add in a few 100 more calories a day (and I'm not complaining!) and upping the complex carbs as best I can...I'm trying to cut out some artificial stuff, but it's tough.